The Tarot Speaks – Where is the U.S. (and Its Leaders) Headed?

If you have been following me on social media or in groups, I have been offering psychic energetic updates regarding the political environment including elections for the last 12-13 years. Considering the current increasing chaotic energetic, collective, and political climate over the last year, I have offered numerous updates along the way.

Please note, what I say sometimes will NOT be explicit for a reason while also understanding the energetic implications of my words to the whole and my intention is NOT to incite fear, but to instill a deeper understanding of hard truths, clear out old wounds and learn how to move through uncertainty from a place of power, clarity, and grace.

The following is what is being seen through tarot, my personal interpretation, and a guide to navigate on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of global and political shifts, today’s (2/18/25) tarot reading sheds light on the energetic patterns influencing the United States, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump.

Past: Hidden Moves & Strategic Departures (High Priestess, Eight of Cups, Ace of Pentacles)

The High Priestess signals that much of what has shaped the present was decided behind closed doors. Hidden knowledge, secrecy, and power plays have been at work.

The Eight of Cups suggests that key players walked away from something significant—whether ideological alliances, old structures, or outdated systems.

Meanwhile, the Ace of Pentacles indicates this was not just an emotional or spiritual shift but a calculated one, involving financial and strategic gains.

This points to a past where political, corporate, and elite influences were quietly repositioning power, wealth, and influence for what was to come.

Present: Blind Leaps Fueled by Misinformation (The Fool, Three of Wands Reversed, Ace of Swords Reversed)

Currently, we are in Fool energy—a time of leaps of faith and new beginnings, but also recklessness and naivety.

However, with the Three of Wands reversed, expectations are not being met, and careful planning is lacking.

Meanwhile, the Ace of Swords reversed suggests confusion, misinformation, and decisions being made without full clarity.

In short: there’s a rush toward change, but it’s being fueled by misjudgment and false confidence.

The U.S. is acting impulsively.

Musk is making bold moves in AI, space, and media without full foresight.

Trump is making strategic choices without truly understanding their consequences.

Future: Delays, Chaos & the Fiery Fight for Stability (Eight of Wands Reversed, Temperance Reversed, Queen of Clubs)

Looking ahead, the Eight of Wands reversed warns of delays, miscommunication, and stalled progress.

Temperance reversed signals extreme polarization and imbalance—things won’t naturally correct themselves.

But the Queen of clubs aka Queen of wands is charismatic, confident, and fiery – a dynamic energetic figure who embodies personal power, courage, and creativity.   Whether through a key leader (think women in leadership positions especially), economic shifts, or collective action, something—or someone—will work to restore grounded decision-making.

Final Insights

  • The U.S. has moved from a period of secrecy and strategic shifts into a reckless, misinformed present.
  • Both Musk and Trump may be overestimating their influence, facing consequences they didn’t foresee.
  • The future brings instability, but also forces working toward practical solutions.

This reading reminds us: now more than ever, we must sharpen our “discernment” (something I said was a key theme in the 2025 energetic forecasting – click here for podcast episode), stay aware of the forces at play, and recognize that while turbulence is ahead, so is the opportunity to bring wisdom and balance to what unfolds.

More personal empowerment: The Queen of clubs fiery, confident energy encourages standing tall in your power, even when external forces or timing feel off. It’s about embracing inner strength and leading with intuition despite obstacles.

Reframing the delays: Instead of feeling frustrated or helpless (as the eight of wands reversed can make us feel), this influence shifts the perspective towards creative expression, leadership, and embracing your potential even when the path ahead is not entirely clear.

Accelerating Momentum despite the stalls: The Queen of clubs brings the energy of getting things done, not waiting for permission or the perfect timing. Her influence indicates that while external circumstances may seem slow, internally you can accelerate things with courage and conviction.

What do you think?

Do these energies resonate with you?

Share your thoughts and stay tuned for more deep dives into the unseen forces shaping our world.

If you would like to see how these energies are influencing your life and would like to book a reading, click here. 

In the meantime,



BREATHE.  Create space.

What is the action step?

Above all, practice kindness as love TRUMPS hate.

With love,




Book a session

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Psychic Energy Update 1/18/22

Here is the numerology and cards for the week to reflect upon. Plus, energy updates starting a quick summary.  I will go into details below.


  • Mercury Retrograde 1/14/22-2/4/22
  • Venus retrogrades til 1/29/22
  • Uranus direct 1/18/22 (TODAY)
  • Full Moon 1/17/22 (Yesterday)


CME’s and Solar flares trigging Geomagnetic storm 1/16 and 1/18


  • for 2022 = 6
  • Today: 16/7


Surrender Stubbornness: When I pulled this card in relation the numerology and energies as of right now, I heard a spirit whisper of “surrender resistance. Surrender the resistance of the flow of change and of natural laws”

“If you’re tensing up or taking a rigid stance about something, gently observe yourself and become more yielding. This will help you communicate more lovingly with others and yourself.”

Raven: All about Magic and owning your power.

Nine of Cups:  Satisfaction, Abundance, Reaping Rewards.

What does this all mean?

So today, we are coming off a VERY powerful full moon amplified by a geomagnetic storm from an incoming solar flare from the sun.

Some of you may have experienced sleep disturbances or elevated #triggers as we are being guided to surrender to the natural laws of the universe.

Mercury went retrograde this past Friday, 1/14/22 and Venus is still in retrograde to the end of the month on 1/29/22. Mercury will go direct on 2/4/22. This affects everything relational especially with self as well as anything regarding communication.

You might even feel a “tug o war” going on with the desire to rest, sleep, hibernate, organize, and plan mashing against the sudden urge to “get things done” or take action as Uranus went direct today.

Let me know in the comments below if this resonates with you as I do not know if what I post, or share helps you in any way.

Click here the 2022 energy forecast video. I go deeper into the numerology and themes for the year in that recording so I will not address it here.

Today is about cycles and flow. What cycles are you completing so you can move forward this spring, and how are you navigating that flow.

The recent solar storm activity just amplifies what already is, but if you are empathic or if you have health issues such as autoimmune disorders, mental health issues, or cardiac condition, you may have felt this. This could also trigger sleep issues such as overly exhausted yesterday but insomnia last night for those who are sensitive.

Are you resisting?

Are you making excuses?

Or are you pulling out your paddles in this grand flood of change and just steering however the Universe guides you?

The Raven is here to remind you of the magic you have inside you that maybe you have forgotten or ignored.

The Raven is a guide in the shadows and all that stuff you might feel lost. The raven will show you the way as the raven is between both worlds.

The raven also reveals a TRUTH you may not have seen before or even considered. Be sure to check your analytical brain or ego at the door and listen to the gut instincts.

Be sure your instincts are NOT coming from a place of triggers or trauma, but from a pure place.

The white artic fox in the 9 of cups card is a reminder of adaptability and purity.

The numerology is amplifying the raven energy and highlighting the shadow aspects that need to be resolved and dealt with – clearing out the mental, emotional, spiritual, physical clutter from your life so you are able to SEE clearly and OWN your power.

The 9 of cups is here to remind you that all this hard work will NOT go unrewarded in all areas of your life if you do THIS hard work that is asked of you.

This is a test of faith and a shift in your beliefs systems that are outdated.
Above all, this is a time to pull out your life raft.

Do NOT try to control others based on YOUR belief systems while ignoring another who may NOT share the same philosophy – This pandemic is an example of this.

Be open to ask questions. Be inquisitive.

Practice MORE empathy, compassion and understanding.

The news, political systems, Wall Street are all functioning from a place of ego.

Step away and tap into the wisdom of the soul as the soul knows YOUR truth.

Go there.

Be well my friends.

As always, your comments and feedback mean the world to me, and these posts are designed to guide you, but your feedback helps me help you more effectively.