A Day On Cape Cod: Osprey Medicine

Why self care matters – at least to me.

I am in the business of energy balance, healing, spiritual guidance, mentorship, and transforming lives. How my vessel is maintained is crucial to my work. If I am exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, or unwell, I am not at the best I can be for who I serve.

If I want my clients to listen to the guidance given to them, then I must walk the walk. To me, it is the easiest form of helping another – leading by example.

There has been a LOT of growth, transformation, breakthroughs, healing, and more this year. That kind of movement can throw anyone well disciplined off tracks from time to time as it can feel like a treadmill speeding up but you can not always keep up. So, you pause a moment.

As a result of all this growth, I made a commitment to myself earlier this year to make room for more self care, personal development, self growth, healing, unplug, and connection to the divine as it going to be needed moving forward.

I have attended 2 one day retreats already this year, a sisterhood of the staffs gathering, and a sacred community weekend event with indigenous elders. I have more planned still this year including Italy and Vancouver.

For me, this allows me to come back and be present and be of service to others in need more effectively. This is not about going out traveling and partying. It is about listening to the needs of the soul and the wisdom of the body to flourish.

A Few Days on Cape Cod:

Photo: Laura Joseph – Swan Pond, Cape Cod, MA August 2019. All Rights Reserved

This week I took a few days off to go to Cape Cod for some much needed self care to reboot my energy, gain some insight, heed to calls of the wisdom of my own body, and the meet the needs of my soul.

I spent a great deal of my time kayaking for at least 3 hours every morning while invoking meditation, ceremony, connection to our Great Mother Earth, and divine wisdom.

One of the message bearers came from Osprey soaring the skies effortlessly, making it’s presence known with it’s unique calling, taking chances on questionable housing, and blended with the natural landscape when needed to ground itself with the medicine of the trees.

They are truly a majestic bird of prey and hunter of the oceans. Unlike the cousin, hawk, the osprey is a true master of the air, land, and oceans with the alchemy of fire.


Osprey medicine can come when we are faced with overwhelming or uncomfortable times in our lives.

Photo: Laura Joseph, Bass River, Dennis, Cape Cod, MA August 2019. All Rights Reserved

In my case, they can serve as a reminder to make sure my boundaries are healthy and clear enough to command the respect we desire from others.
As I observed continuously on the daily, osprey have sharp keen vision and can fearlessly dive into the oceans with sharp talons to catch it’s prey.

Finally, the osprey is also interestingly enough associated with solar forces with the alchemy of fire. What does this mean? Because, it has no fear of the sun, it is able to hunt and see unhindered by it.

It is able to work through the land (physical body), the air (the mental body, thoughts) and the ocean (the emotional body) to transform and transmute and misqualified energies within.

Its power and majesty make the Osprey an important symbol in spiritual and esoteric activities. It helps those who view it as a symbol of strength and power.

Because of this, osprey, like its cousin hawk, may be viewed as a messenger of the gods, with its swift wings and mastery over air, land and the oceans. It can fly anywhere as well as get anything it wants in a seemingly effortless way.

The Osprey is connected with Hermes or Mercury linked to communication and divine inspiration. As I witnessed these past few days, the osprey was quite vocal when it needed to be.

Photo: Laura Joseph, Bass River in Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA – August 2019. All Rights Reserved.

This Week’s Osprey Medicine:

  • Control over our own fate
  • Clarity of vision
  • Know your true power
  • Soar the skies effortlessly
  • Mastery over emotions and communication
  • Be Precise
  • Trust in our abilities backed by the confidence to know they can achieve their goals.
  • Message bearer – communication, divine inspiration
  • Avoid distractions
  • Motivation

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With appreciation,


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 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional. 

In like the Lion and Out With the Lamb or Was it? Lesson and Messages From Spirit

March has proved to start like lion, but is it going out like the lamb? How are you fairing the latest in the energy ping pong match during the month of March?  I have been writing a lot about this topic over the past month from spiritual purging to tips to get you through to lessons learned. You can view all my writings by scrolling here.

March has sure proved to be quite the challenging month for so many and so many can not wait for it to go away. The outlook for April however, looks promising after feeling like we’ve been stripped to our cores.

April will be about simplification and continued intensification as we continue to strip back the layers of self.  We are being asked to rise above any given situation and shine our brilliant true selves that we are.  To do this we will need to closely examine life’s complications and distractions that have shaped and defined our lives for so long and forgive what needs forgiveness. I will be talking more about forgiveness throughout the month of April so stay tuned.

As we journey this life together, I learn as you learn. Spirit has been quite busy this week with delivering messages to me from the 11 turkey to the male cardinal encounter to the mourning dove to the deer to the redtail hawk to all sorts of coded numbers all in past couple days. All three animal species have strong connections to Native American symbolism.

Animal Speak
by Ted Andrews

When it comes to decoding messages from Spirit from the signs we receive, for everyone in every situation  it is different in the meaning. That’s where interpretation of what we receive varies. You can google your symbolism or read about it in a book like “Animal Speak” by Ted Andrews, but at the end of the day, the messages are personalized to that individual and we must learn to develop our own symbology.

I developed a class just in this subject matter to learn to decode the messages called “Attaining Messages from Spirit Through Nature and Numbers”  which is being held on April 20th. So what I post here are personal to my experiences and may or may not resonate with you.

Stumbled upon 11 turkey at Turkey Hill, Hingham, MA
2015 Laura Healing With Spirit

The challenges we have been experiencing are happening with all of us. None of us are immune including myself. I am in this with you.  When I feel vulnerable, I tend to look to Spirit for guidance and boy have the messages been flooding in.

The other day I was out enjoying a country drive when I stumbled upon 11 turkey. I stopped. Paused and enjoyed the moment and experience the energy of the turkey. The were mischevious, curious, comforting and playful. Ironically, I had just picked up the documentary from the library I wanted a friend to watch called “My Life As A Turkey” minutes before the sighting.

So what was the message from the turkey you say? In this case, it was a reminder from the Universe to stay in the moment, focus on the blessings, and prepare to shine my plumage when called upon to do so. So my response to the Universe is “Thank you. I am grateful”.

The cardinal was amazing. I first heard his loud boisterous calls and singing in the morning while out for my morning walk, but something amazing happened later that caught my attention.  Even though I acknowledged his appearance that morning and the previous morning, I clearly was not hearing his message. I wrote about cardinals in a “Cardinal Message From Spirit” on the symbolism behind cardinals. Later that day, he appeared louder than ever and even exchanged a conversation back and forth in a small bush within 3 feet from me. The experience was quite refreshing.

The message for me is a simple reminder to listen to my gut and rise above the situation no matter how dire it appears to me as it is all a matter of perception. The cardinal is also reminding me to activate the personal power within and leave behind all fears and excuses.

The mourning dove on top of my roof making the its presence known was also reminding me to keep the peace within and don’t get distracted by all the minutia.

2 Female Deer spotted in my field.
2015 Laura Healing With Spirit

The two deer I encountered were also magnificent with a very similar message. In my case, I always see deer as a message associated with family life for me.

Here the message of the deer was a reminder from the Universe to not stress over life circumstances, but instead listen more. It is important to use the grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance of the deer to move forward in these chaotic roller coaster ride of energy shifts.

The deer also reminded me what is important in life such as understanding of what’s necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good, and seeking alternative paths to my goals. Hence, through grace, gratitude, and listening, Spirit is guiding me to think outside the box to for the answers I seek.

Redtail Hawk Photographed in Dennis, MA on Cape Cod.
2015 Laura Healing With Spirit
Expansion Mode … Getting Unstuck … Moving Past Fear

As far as the retail hawk I saw earlier today, it served as a peaceful reminder since today was a very stressful day for me in which I began to lose faith and doubt my abilities. As I have said before, we are all in this together. I hope by sharing my struggles and how I manage to shift my energies, will hopefully help you.

Generally the hawk is symbolic as a messenger bird associated with focus, vision, and spiritual awareness.

Here the hawk sat quietly and content on the highest tree top amongst the chaotic highways. So for me the hawk reminded me to stay focused on the task at hand and avoid the distractions. By letting the hawk guide me, I can harness the hawk’s energy for a clearer vision and defy any obstacles in my way including my own fears. Hence, get out of my own way and allow the spirit of the hawk guide the way.

If you follow me on Facebook, twitter, or Pinterest, you will see the discussions I have been posting all month on this topic of letting go, spiritual purging, and allowing the true self to shine.

So the overall message I am hearing over the next few days is to buckle up you boot straps and hold on for the ride of your life.

The next several days may be paradoxical and a doozy with the climax arriving Sat April 4th for the blood full moon eclipse. Knowing this, the energies will be high and intense. However, blood full moon eclipses are also known to be a great omen for change.

Tips to get you through:

  1. Make sure you drink lots of water.
  2. Act from a place of love and compassion.
  3. Get lots of rest.
  4. Embrace these challenges.
  5. Manifest your true self.
  6. Try to enjoy the ride.

In March we saw much of the old purged such as many of our old karmic, energetic, and akashic contracts. April will prove to be a little bit of a smoother ride if you make the necessary preparations. The time to start is now. Time to reveal the new you. Let the new you shine.

Namaste. As always, I would love to hear about your experiences. Please leave your feedback as it helps me help you. Have a blessed day.

With lots of love and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Trust in Your Path


“Stay grounded. Trust in your path. The past is past and you are beginning a new journey. Trust that you are divinely supported and you are ready to take this leap. We have been leaving signs to reassure you that you are on the right path.
Believe them to be true and have faith like you’ve never had it before. Don’t question or doubt your direction. A new chapter in your life is is getting ready to emerge.
Allow us to help you find and implement the solutions to close the old. Just be willing to surrender and listen to the guidance given to you from the Universe.
You are embarking on a new adventure. Be ready to explore. You are now being guided. Trust on where you are going.”

As always, I would love to hear about your experiences. Please leave your feedback as it helps me help you. Have a blessed day.

Laura  Healing With Spirit

Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, Healer and Teacher
To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please contact us 

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Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent