Healing Trauma By Stepping Into Your Power Through The Universal Energies of Change And Forgiveness

What I will be writing about, I am unsure if this is directed to my personal path and journey or if you will find that it will resonate with you.  I would love to hear from you and your feedback as it helps me help you.  I would appreciate that deeply.

So, when you think these spiritual storms we have been riding over the past few months and years have slowed down and we can breathe, we are faced with more storms as we continue to upgrade and change in order to be more in vibrational alignment with source energy and our soul purpose.

Just as you think you can catch your breath, we begin September with more changes ahead with the start of the eclipse season and our third mercury retrograde this year.  

As I am writing this, I am wondering how many of us have surrendered to the Universal energies, let go of the past … karmic in past lives, hurts in this life, and generational karma. We are healing it all if we learn to step aside and allow our soul to guide us and light the way.

This journey has not been easy especially those also healing some form of trauma. With all that I do and practice, I can attest to this struggle as our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies let go and realign.  No one ever said healing was ever easy, but it is worth it. I began to write about my journey healing trauma associated with abuse. One thing I have learned with trauma and PTSD, it loves to reign you in and prevent the healing to commence and will attempt to trick your brain into old outdated patterns or more of the very same you are trying to leave behind you. These patterns of constant fight or flight are there for our safety and protection, but when in overload, it is like keeping your finger in an electrical socket and you can not see, feel, hear, anything else around you never mind inside the self.

Laura administering self healing in
a meditative state in nature in Maine

One of the things I have had to address and face is healing karmic cords with my abuser in this life and in previous lives. This is NOT easy by any stretch. However, each day I am stronger, and remind myself that I AM … FREE … from those karmic bonds that tied me for 20+ years of my life in this life as well as in previous lives. The trauma and PTSD side would like to keep replaying the same story thinking it is protecting me not recognizing my finger has already been removed from that electrical socket.  It takes faith in the unknown and higher power and courage to remove your finger and begin healing.

So for many, the Universe and our souls pushed our buttons hard this year to get us out of our comfort zones, challenged relationships, and forced us to face the things needing change so we may continue to evolve from the caterpillar to the emerging butterfly. For those who have experienced PTSD or some form of trauma, these have been magnified. My question for you to ask yourself is:  “Were you open to change or resistant?” 

When we can have the courage of trying to not control every aspect in our life and face our shadow self, we become awakened.  We begin to embrace and nurture the inner child within allowing us to surrender the ego and the control that the trauma has in our life. 

Laura administering Reiki to a silver
back gorilla at the San Diego Zoo 2016

In order to get there, we must look at the two greatest emotions that drive us.  The themes of love and fear continue to the surface for review. I know for me this was a big one, because, my abuser kept me captive paralyzed in fear and stripping me my sense of self and gaslighted me to believe I was better off dead.

So relearning to trust in myself and know that I was worthy of love took many years of healing and lots of work. Slowly I regained my sense of self through self love and self compassion. What helped me initiate the process was my Spiritualist faith, reiki, and meditation practice.

If we are in a state of fear, how can we love? AND vice versa, if we are in a state of love, how can we fear? Learning the art of detachment from people, places, things and especially outcomes have also surfaced to allow for more soul growth. Whenever I see myself reliving fear or something I thought I healed or resolved or let go of from my past, I do the following:

  1. I acknowledge its presence
  2. I thank the Universe for bringing it to my attention so I may learn how to release this
  3. I create intentions and call upon my spiritual team to assist me. Depending on the issue, this may be my ascended reiki masters to Archangel Michael to Saint Germaine. You can create your team to assist you and call upon them. They will not intervene unless you ask for their assistance.
  4. I allow myself to receive love from the divine presence.
  5. I practice one or a combination of the modalities I have been studying over the years. This may be a violent flame meditation, to tibetan singing bowls, to reiki, to a meditative walk in nature or the like.
  6. I practice self love, self worth, self compassion, and self forgiveness.
  7. I adopt the pace of nature understanding that my healing happens not when I try to control its outcome, but when I have done the work and my frequency and vibration are in alignment with my intentions.
  8. Because of the trauma I endured, I did not trust people, organizations, or those in power who were supposed to uphold the law and protect me from abuse. So I built a relationship with the divine and nature. For those who follow me on Instagram or Facebook, see my posts of all the divine messages and confirmations from nature I receive almost daily and sometimes numerous times a day. It always brings a smile on my face.
  9. When appropriate, I seek help from other holistic practitioners.


As transition, I have been hearing messages addressing the theme of “forgiveness” as additional themes over the past week or so. So along with fear and love, forgiveness also seems to be playing a role especially for those trying to reclaim their power.

Last week, I posted a general message card to my Instagram and Facebook page where I talked about forgiveness. I saw this message as confirmation to what I am writing about here and I smiled. When I pulled the card, my shoulders suddenly relaxed, and I felt a huge a sigh.

Forgiveness is significant. All the work we have done so far is to prepare us for the hardest task … forgiveness.

If you are holding onto the pain or trauma or hurt someone may have caused you, the misconception is that forgiveness lets that person off the hook while you suffer. It does not. What happened to you is now in the past. What we do to ourselves as a result of trauma, is we keep the traumatic event or series of traumatic events alive and well in the present … the now. I have been trying to understand why we do this to ourselves and why do we imprison ourselves with very few answers. I believe a shift in perception allows us to see that when all we are doing is creating a pattern of self-destruction and self-imprisonment, then we can then implement change.

What forgiveness does is free ourselves from the chains that bind us. This in turn allows our hearts to receive self-love. We can not truly love another until we have fully learned this. I see this to be so true more than ever before now.

I am envisioning many of you who have experienced what many would call such egregious atrocious and unforgivable acts saying things like, “Why on earth would I forgive?”. We must let go of the need to control and need to be right and stay in the familiar. Being right usually does not change the outcome except create a prison stealing our lives. All this does is tie us to the story of the past, poisoning our present, and stealing our future.

Learning to forgive frees us. Wow, right now as I re-read that statement, I am envisioning the mighty power of hawk with a strap to it’s talon caught up in a tree stealing its flight, it’s ability to thrive and survive and ability to soar to great heights.  Then, finally the hawk is snapping the strap breaking free from the tangled mess in the tree and lifting it up letting go of those burdens where it can now soar the skies once again and not only survive, but thrive.

Learning to forgive is one of our greatest spiritual lessons to truly understand. We have had lots of lessons, and transformations this year. The hardest person to forgive, but the most important is “self”. The Universe is calling on us once again. We have been given signs whether you are attuned and seeing them or not is irrelevant. There are those who have been called to help those who can not see.

It’s time to forgive and write a new chapter.

Free yourself from the past, past hurts, past mistakes, past traumas or the like.

So for the coming month, the eclipse season and mercury retrograde will be what we choose to perceive it to be. This is a very transformative time, and we can use these energies to help us in our path if we learn to work with them versus fight them. For once, try to master riding these waves of change and see the world from a whole new perspective. We can not control the size, shape, and velocity of the waves that come ashore. So why do we try to control the waves of life? It is time we learned to ride the waves and have fun learning to surf. Wow, I what a shift right there. Wouldn’t you agree? Did you feel that?  I wrote about this last month in my post “Understanding the Cosmic Shifts”.

And since I have been writing about trauma, this is a grand time, to let the Universe help you right here, right now, in removing any and all obstacles from our mind and body so we may live a healthier and happier life. By the way, health is another theme arising too. So take time to listen to what the body tells you as it speaks to you 24/7. It is up to us whether or not we are listening.

The future is a blank slate. This is an opportunity to truly break free from those chains that bind you.
Are you willing? Are you ready?

The future is yours.

Please check out my January post 6 Tips Towards Soul-Fillment in 2016 and my April post on What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You to help guide you in your path.

In the meantime, have a beautiful day. I am here to help you in your journey. Enjoy.


With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

What You Need To Know About The Current Energies and Tips To Guide You

There is lots happening. Can you feel all the shifting energies? Over the last 30 days we have seen lots of prodding, shifting, and adjusting.

How’s your energy lately?  If you’ve been feeling exhausted or having trouble sleeping, then you may be feeling the shift.

 It’s amazing to me that no matter who I talk to about this topic, I am always reminded that these shifts can be a challenge no matter where you are at in your spiritual journey. After all we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, right?

So how is what we are feeling and experiencing being driven by the cosmos?

Well the planets were very active in all this shifting we are experiencing with 5 planets that are in retrograde in April. Now, I am no astrology expert, and I would say that I am far from that and rely on my astrology friends to help explain certain aspects. I am an energy healer and lightworker. Therefore, I can sense and feel subtle energy.  What I do understand is energy and how it makes me feel and what common threads I see playing out around me and my environment. I have learned to understand over the years how planetary shifts also affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

So here are the five planets that are in retrograde in April 2016. On January 7th, Jupiter was the first planet to turn retrograde. This was followed by the planet Saturn on March 25th, Mars on April 17th, Pluto on April 18th, and finally Mercury goes retrograde on April 28th. WOW!

Here is a great explanation about retrogrades on findyourfate.com.  “Astrologically, Retrogrades happen when planets, and the energy they represent, are too far out and need to come back in line with the Earth. This is when you need to slow down.”

From what I have witnessed over the past year and most importantly in recent months, our energy cores have been pushed to extremes, prodded, and forced to examine our inner selves and workings while questioning our own versions of realities.  Most of the re-calibrating and shifting was bringing up lots of old karmic, childhood, traumas, etc that were kept deep in our base of our energy cores to be released as they no longer serve our highest good. Many of those I work with or have spoken to on this topic have experienced this, but  thought they addressed these issues and ignored the need for release. This is not the time to ignore, but a time to kick these toxic energies out of our core.

We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy and some may have called 2015 a sh*tstorm of a year. However, there were many lessons in 2015 that helped prepare us for the grand year of transformation in 2016 towards soul-fillment.


What I have felt since Mars and Pluto went retrograde is a shift of the clearing of our energy cores to the higher realms especially targeting the areas of the pineal gland which is a small pea-sized endocrine gland located near the center of the brain behind the cerebellum.

Physiologically speaking, the pineal gland is responsible for producing the hormone melatonin aka your biological on/off light switch for sleep functioning as well as regulating the body’s natural bio-rythems.

Spiritually speaking, the pineal gland is linked to the third eye and considered the most powerful area for ethereal energy.

Symptoms of an “awakening” of the pineal gland include:

  1. pressure at the base of the brain
  2. headaches
  3. fatigue
  4. sleep disturbances

However, as some are already feeling the affects of  the planet mercury going retrograde, we must also consider all elements of communication too starting to affect us.

At the end of it all, this is all about personal growth. It is all how we choose to perceive the world around us. Some react to these retrogrades in a negative fashion, but there are positive aspects to them too. Again, it is all how we choose to view these experiences which are designed to help us evolve.  This is a wonderful time period to go inward and do some introspection work. This will allow us to connect with the divine within and shine our light so we may follow.

The themes currently playing out that you need to be extra mindful and pay extra attention to include:

  1. personal growth/expansion (Jupiter)
  2. communication (Mercury)
  3. love and relationships (Pluto)
  4. emotions, but especially in areas of anger (Mars)
  5. karma (Saturn)
  6. slow down
  7. the need for more self care

So, going into May, this is a GREAT time for many things such as:

  2. connecting with soul aka your inner child and building a partnership
  3. a time for slowing down and contemplation
  4. an opportunity to readjust, redo, reevaluate or fine tune things
  5. to develop a love affair with self – not ego self, but the authentic true self
  6. to relax and go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe
  7. more self-care, self-compassion and nurturing
  8. practice daily mindfulness via quantum breathing, meditation, reiki, yoga
  9. handwritten journaling
May will be a month to slow down the pace. Do not force things. Go with the flow. This month and this year will serve as a great teacher for us all on how to truly embody patience and self-compassion while we continue on the path of self discovery and our authentic truth.
So for today, I choose not only to enjoy the ride, but the embrace everything my soul is guiding me towards. How about you?

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

6 Tips To Guide You Towards Soul-fillment in 2016

What a year 2015 has been. No matter where you are in your spiritual quest, I think there is one thing we all shared … GROWTH.

I wrote about my reflections called “Reflections as We Close Out 2015 – 5 Lessons 2015 Taught Me”.   If you are unsure of your path or where you are going, then I suggest you read that post. Hopefully, it can help open you to a whole new perspective.

So many of us are resisting the path of soul. One way I chose to connect was through nature. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down from the fast pace and demands of society and learn to reconnect again. I received many messages and signs from the divine here

  • In the form of heart rocks,
  • Animal interactions such as the turkey, hawk, coyote, rats, blue jay and crow,
  • Some funky clouds in the shapes of hearts, angels, or other distinctive shapes,
  • Rainbows or the like.

Probably one of the greatest “A-ha” type messages came to me from the turkey over this past year which I also talked about in previous posts.  Turkeys have served as a great reminder of where I’m going and to let go of fear. Even though I KNOW to trust in the divine, my soul, and my spirit team, my ego still likes to throw out temptations to fear and all that I am letting go. That is the will of ego. That is also what makes us human while giving us the lessons our souls came here to learn in this lifetime.

The juvenile that captured
Laura’s attention. for 45 min

Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it’s safe to trust and tools to know difference. Around Thanksgiving, I watched one of the juvenile turkeys go round and round and round a mirror outside my home for over 45 minutes.  I chuckled at the behavior as the other four were eating the fallen bird seed from the feeder wondering what the message he was trying to make and then I heard it from Spirit.

#messagefromspirit: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.

I am now further along in my spiritual path developing a strong partnership with soul and my spirit team.  To sum up last year, I learned many things which all lead to my overall spiritual growth.

Right now, Mother Earth is filled with chaos in the world at this time from terrorism, to senseless acts of violence, the radiation leakage from Fukushima, to the dying sea life, extreme weather patterns, greed, addictions, wars, etc. Some are calling it the beginning of Armageddon or World War III or the final prophecy of Nostradamus.

I attribute the global chaos to a loss of connection to soul … the divine self … source energy mixed with a segment of the population eagerly seeking a divine connection to source energy and soul. When we awaken from the realities of what society has dictated to us in a false sense of reality to one that aligns with our soul in our true reality, things get shaken up, and our vibrational alignments change.

That is what I see happened increasingly over the past few years, but especially in 2015.  Many have been challenged especially in the areas of learning to let go and trust that your soul has your back. Because if you let go and trust, then that means you lose control. Right?  Actually, the opposite is true. When you let go, you are in full control of your own personal realities and you shift seeing the world from a whole new perspective. Your very vibration changes and aligns with soul and source energy.

The human race can let you down. Governments can let you down. However, your soul and your spirit team will always be by your side.  I also learned throughout the years that your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut … your seat of your soul … will never steer you wrong.

Over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had with the help of my spirit team, angels, and source energy. I slowly surrendered to Spirit or soul over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul.

So what does the year 2016 year hold for us now? It is the year of transformation

There are 6 major focuses for this year which are about:

  • Taking personal responsibility for your life,
  • Accepting what is and all that led you to this point,
  • Having faith in where you are going,
  • Following a more soulful path,
  • Manifesting the means to get there,
  • And trusting your soul has your back.

We are entering a new era of spiritual consciousness and our spirit team, Angels, and soul are waiting for us to build a relationship with them. If you have not started yet, are you ready now?

So what is so special about this year?  This year is a 9 year in numerology. Not only are there various cosmic shifts, but understanding this part is very significant. This means the end of a era is near and the future that you are creating through your vibrational alignment is beginning to come to fruition. However, it also means time to get serious and tie up loose ends. Whatever actions you put in place this year will guide the next phase of your life.

Whether you see yourself in a good place or not so good place right now, you have a choice to make. Are you willing to get to work so you can live a more soul-filled life without the pressure of unresolved matters from the past holding you back? Remember, as one door closes another opens. It is all how we choose to view our world. So if you are stuck thinking nothing will get better and all the doom and gloom, then you will not be able to see all the new opportunities and possibilities that await you.

So you might be asking me how?

We were given the answer as given to me by spirit before: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.”  We spend more time running away from self, than getting to know self.  This is why partnering with soul is so important. Talk to soul. Email soul. Go out to dinner with soul. Facebook soul. Text soul.  Get to know yourself and all the divine wisdom you hold within. ALL the answers you seek lie within.

First, take personal responsibility for where you are at in your life. You can not move forward without that. It is important to release all the attachments – emotional, mental, physical – that no longer serve you for your highest and best.

Secondly, accept what is. Accept everything in your past and feel all those buried emotions you have not been able to feel.  Right now see yourself as the caterpillar inside the cocoon  trying to crack it open with the tip of a wing or the leg of a butterfly beginning to emerge, but can’t because it has not fully evolved yet. Making peace with your emotional realities is crucial to breaking free.

If you currently feel stagnant or stuck, I want to say to you it is because you are resisting and letting fear control your progress. It also means you are quite close to acceptance, but something is holding you back.  This is usually something in the emotional plane. So what ends up happening is that certain situations or experiences that you have been attempting to put behind you are constantly repeating themselves. In some cases it is like rapid machine gun fire.

It is important to be in touch with your emotions and all the cords attached to them in order to heal them, process them, and move forward.

Like I said earlier, many also have chosen the path of resistance whether it is done consciously or subconsciously. If you choose to not accept things or to take personal responsibility for your life and let go of stuff, then the patterns of repeating the same old situations with same mistakes continue. Many will continue to feel dissatisfied and unhappy, and many times continue to blame everything and everyone for their life circumstances.

For this to change, it is important to accept the new realities before you. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions need to be in complete vibrational alignment. How you navigate your emotions this year will play a big role in your path and overall spiritual development.

Thirdly, have unwavering faith in where you are going. You are no longer that caterpillar, but an emerging butterfly. It is important to make the necessary alterations and improvements in all areas of your life this year. Just like the caterpillar who can not see inside the cocoon, it knows it will soon emerge as a beautiful butterfly.

THEN … Only then will you be ready to break free.

You have a choice … a choice to longer live in the past and emerge as the beautiful butterfly that you are or not. That is your choice.

Since this is a 9 year, things are ending. Why do we fear endings? All this means is you have the freedom to choose the beginning of the next phase of your life. It is all how we choose to focus and see things. So shift your perspective, and you will shift your results.

Free yourself from the restraints, erroneous beliefs, and illusions of the past. Why continue to be stagnant? Let go. Break free from that cocoon that is holding you back from shining. The new things you are trying to accomplish will only bring more frustration and resistance until you release the old.

Activate your personal power and give yourself the gift of healing and soul-fillment.

Partner with your soul, your spirit team, and angels. Ask them for strength, guidance, and help in this transformation.

You are not alone. You can not fly like the butterfly until these endings and purges are complete. Let your divine team help you in the process. They are waiting for you to call upon their assistance, and trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.


An important message my spirit team
shared with me and I shared with you

This year is going to be a magnificent year. It is all about how you choose to perceive your world. The Universe is starting off this year with mercury in retrograde. See this as a grand opportunity to get to work. This is the perfect time reevaluate, readjust, and release all the old junk creating resistance in your life.

Shower yourself and all those around you with generosity and compassion. The more you get in touch with self on a deep emotional level, the greater opportunity for growth and change.

This is the year to heal all those unhappy moments in your life as you will be creating a new reality of inner peace and happiness to emerge. You will exchange your erroneous belief systems with new truths and possibilities.

The more you accept where you are at and take personal responsibility for your life, you open the door to all that the Universe has to offer you.

You will morph from the old to the present you and the vibrational alignment you are creating – your will and your desires – will set pace for where you are going.

We create attachments to people, place, and things. When we let go of those emotional attachments, the perspective of our world shifts. You might just feel a huge sigh of relief. Not everything is doom and gloom.

This will be an exciting year if you choose it to be.  It is up to us. However, it is so important to develop a partnership with your soul – the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.

We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life. We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.

Remember, this is just a mere journey … Let go and trust your soul has your back. All is as where is should be. Who is ready to journey with me for an empowering transformative year ?

Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2016-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Reflections as We Close Out 2015 – 5 Lessons 2015 Taught Me

The past few days I have been reflecting a lot of what 2015 has meant to me and to those I have served. It has sure proven itself to be one giant roller coaster ride. Wouldn’t you agree? I would love to hear from you what your experiences have been, and what you discovered and learned about yourself

If you read my previous posts, you will see an emerging theme which is about soul. We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy.

Depending on how you choose to see 2015, it was a year of many things:

  • a year of manifestation
  • a climax of purging and letting go.
  • a year for realization of what truly matters
  • a year for rediscovery of self
  • and a year for partnership with soul.

The hardest part for so many I have found this year, is learning to let go of control and trust that your soul has your back. Life for me has not always been easy, and I had my share of dark days. Some of you may know my story, but many do not. That’s ok.

What has helped me through my darkest of days is trusting in the divine … trusting in my soul … trusting my spirit team. I also learned your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut … your seat of your soul … will never steer you wrong.

I like many of you have been raised in a society that dictates how you should be, dress, act, do. We live in a society that says you are a good person if you do this or that or if you work this job and live in that neighborhood who graduated with this degree then you are a good person. The more I tried to conform to what society dictates to me, the more I became ill and unfulfilled which almost took my life.

However, my guardian angels and spirit team had different plans for me. So over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had. I slowly surrendered to Spirit over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul. I am like a masterpiece painting that is still in progress.

So back to what this year has taught me …

In order to get from one place to another, you must build a solid foundation. Right now, I feel that I want to keep insuring the foundation I rebuilt this year is strong enough and sturdy after all I went through in my personal life for a grand 2016. However, thanks to the partnership with the divine and my soul, I receive daily confirmations that I am on the right track.

Laura’s favorite vintage store with
lots of Buddha love.

This has been a big year for manifesting. There is the old saying “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might actually get it”.

For some using tools of faith, trust, and positivity, the manifesting yielded many wonderful things and confirmations.

For others who are still stuck in worry, fear, and anxiety, unfortunately, here the manifesting was of more fear, worry, and anxiety. It was almost like you were looking for the gotcha, so the Universe gave it to you.

For me, I have suffered lots of trauma in my personal life and have been in both of those places this year. It is something I have come to terms with over the years, because my soul chose this path for me to learn something that will help my soul ascend.

So, for those stuck in fear or worry mode, I hear you. I can not tell you the days and nights I have spent crying, begging, and pleading for things to change and for help on my faith which dwindled not recognizing the connection between what I was trying to move forward from and my fears actually manifesting over and over.

Laura’s training and certification in
Jikiden Reiki with Arjava Petter

So, we learned another lesson for 2015 which came to a climax of purging and letting go. Many of us, we experienced waves of physical and emotional purges this year. Some were so strong it made us very sick. Resistance to change has proven to be futile for many who chose the path of ego. What I learned was to go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe instead of letting ego rule trying to control things that were not in my capacity to control.

This also means, I learned to listen with the body more, and recognizing that if I was having a bout of exhaustion or emotions, and the medical teams are not able to figure out the cause, then I was experiencing a purge. Some purges did require surgery. But learning the spiritual connection and healing, I was able to minimize recovery time and with no pain medications.
Unfortunately, we are also experiencing a wave of great transitions. For some these transitions were timely for their soul growth. It was just their time to ascend and no other reason.  For some (not all) such as those faced with addictions, my theory is this. I believe especially our youth, were born with such a high frequency and sensitivity that their human self was not able to adjust. It was just too difficult. For others, especially healers forget to self nurture and self care. Martyrdom has proven to lead to a path of dis-ease.
What I have also seen this year in regards to letting go are the links to karmic cords. I have seen this pattern all year, but especially gaining momentum later this year. Many of us have been called to not only heal and let go things in this lifetime, but in previous lifetimes. I have witnessed one person in particular heal at least three lifetimes this year alone and the year is not over yet.
Laura finds her best place to find
peace and meditate is connecting
with nature.
You have to remember all this letting go is about creating a platform for the new. This brings me to the next lesson – a realization of what truly matters.
Does it matter for instance, that you’re driving a 10 year old car and your neighbor is driving a brand new Mercedes? At the end of the day, it does not matter.
I use to drive an Audi, and I even brought a brand new minivan. Today, I could care less. I do not want the computer generated car that could crash like my computer. I do not want the high insurance bill or higher taxes associated with it either. The car is just one analogy, and I am not saying there is not a need to balance out material with the spiritual either.
How would you live your life, if you did work so hard to pay for THINGS that really and truly do not matter at the end of the day?
No better sounds to meditate to
and connect to soul and spirit than
sitting on the quiet beach with the
crashing waves and smells of the ocean
Once we have separated our ego self from our soulful self, we began the next lesson – the rediscovery of self. For some of us, we had some very painful lessons and purges. Some of us lost our families and everything that was material literally. At the time, this may have felt or may still feel quite devastating, but when we can shift our perspective and learn to communicate with our higher self, we can see the world from a whole new perspective. We can not add new experiences if our hands are full with the old.  Sometimes, if we are quite resistant to change, the Universe forces a hand.
Let’s look at cleaning and/or organizing a home. If you are someone like me, you can feel quite overwhelmed easily when there is chaos and disorganization. You may have feelings like you have no idea where to begin and thus leading to procrastination and clutter. For those of us who have experienced this, how would it feel if you had someone else come in and organize and clean for you? You may have moments of resistance to “things”, but focus on the end result and how that would feel. Can you feel the ahhhhhhhhhhh?
A young male buck Laura saw this
fall with a subsequent message
from spirit

If your mind, body, and soul are your home, and the Universe cleaned up for you, then why do we see it as a traumatic experience? This is just a question and there is no wrong answer to this one. It is just food for thought and a shift of perspective is all. As human beings, we develop attachments to people, places and things.

Trauma can be a big road block. I have had my share of trying to personally overcome my blocks as a result of past traumas. There was a moment in my life where I sought help and protections from the very agencies that were designed to help people like me many many years ago where I felt betrayed and left out in the cold.
If I could not trust people, our government, our faith based organizations, our nonprofit agencies to help us, then who do we trust?
When we can learn to detach from some of this “stuff”, it becomes easier to focus on what really matters, which leads me to the next lesson this year – for partnership with soul. When I could trust no one, I then began learning to trust the divine, communicate with the divine more efficiently and effectively, and built a stronger relationship with my soul.
The heart Laura saw on
Thanksgiving Day

So, my spirit team and I designed a communication tool where they let me know through signs and messages through nature to remind me I am on the right path and to keep moving forward.

I have received many signs from hearts to birds to deer and other shapes in the sky. If you scroll through this blog you will see all the writings about my journey this year alone.

The heart as seen here was one of three given to me on Thanksgiving day as I stepped outside for a moment to walk my dog before people arrived at my home. This heart was at the bottom of my steps to my front door and it was one of three hearts seen that day. The other 2 were seen during the bonfire I attended that evening where we gathered a group for some drumming giving thanks to the town, the people, mother earth, the moon, and spirit.
It was a sure message that we are never alone. Our loved ones in spirit and our spirit team is always with us. It is just a matter of whether or not we are listening.
Some of the turkeys Laura has
had the privilege of  watching and
learning from in 2015
The flock of 5 turkeys and many more, as seen here, have been frequent guests this year too. I have watched them grow up from hatchlings to young adults. They have served as a great reminder of where I’m going and to let go of fear. Even though I KNOW to trust in the divine, my soul, and my spirit team, my ego still likes to throw out temptations to fear and all that I am letting go.
Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it’s safe to trust and tools to know difference. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down a moment and learn to reconnect again.
I recently watched one of the juvenile turkeys go round and round and round this mirror outside my home for over 45 minutes.  I chuckled at the behavior as the other four were eating the fallen bird seed from the feeder wondering what the message he was trying to make and then I heard it from Spirit.


The jouvenile that captured
Laura’s attention. for 45 min

#messagefromspirit: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.

So many of us are resisting the path of soul. I can relate to the message from the turkey, but I am now further in my path partnering with soul. I can assure you it may seem scary because of what society dictates to us on how to be, but it is so worth it. One day I will share my full story with you in hopes to help someone else along their path.
To those who are having a difficult time being grateful or seeing the light, please hold on and have faith. Trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.
The crystalized light is extraordinary
Hope you see it.
I see your light. Believe it.
May it shine brightly and shatter the looming darkness around you.
May your light give you clarity.

May your light give you strength.
2016 is going to be a magnificent year. It is all about how you choose to perceive your world and where you are currently at in your spiritual development partnering with soul and living a more soulful path.

It is crucial more than ever to develop a partnership with your soul – the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.

An important message my spirit team
shared with me and I shared with you

We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life.  We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.

Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It’s a new day.  We can make today what we choose it to be. So why not choose to have a great day.

I appreciate you.

Laura  Healing With Spirit,

Healing With Spirit 

Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.


Your Soul Is Trying To Awaken. Are You Listening To The Signs?

Wow what a September it has been. Talk about a roller coaster ride. Our soul has been tugging on us to wake up. Have you been feeling this?

I have been noticing for some there have been major breakthroughs and a sigh of relief. 

For others, the challenges just seem to be piling on.

If you are like me and have been talking to others in the Spiritual community or even in healthcare especially psychotherapy, the synchronicities have been amplified like we have never seen before in this lifetime.

There are common themes I have been noticing.

  • We are not alone. We are all one and connected energetically as one. Many of us already knew this, but it seems to be really drilled home.
  • Many people are reporting similar chaotic experiences occurring at the same time.
  • Those who are experiencing challenges especially involving a parent/child relationship, have been greatly tested.
  • Those who are resistant … deliberately, not deliberately or even subconsciously … to the current cosmic shifts and calls from the soul are experiencing heightened health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, panic, heart issues, digestive issues, moodiness and more.
For those feeling frustrated, anxious, or having sleep difficulties etc … There are a couple of things that could be happening.

Here are some tips to help you sort out.

  1. Ask yourself what is it that you are still resistant to change? If you are resisting what your soul is beckoning from you why? Let go and trust your soul has got your back.
  2. Your physical body may be purging, recalibrating energetically, downloading, or if you are a sensitive or empath, you just might be plain ol feeling the effects of all the cosmic shifts from mercury retrograde to the full moon lunar eclipse on September 27, 2015 to the solar flares etc

We are being called to align with soul. For those who have been following me, have been hearing me say “Trust, your soul has got your back” for quite some time now. And our soul and Spirit have been bombarding us with signs to help us along the way.

Have been experiencing such phenomena?

Here is my experience just the past few weeks and I am amazed at Spirit every time. We are always receiving messages from heaven. It’s just whether or not we choose to see the signs from our soul, our loved ones, guides, and angels.

Repeating Signs?

For me personally, I have been hit with lots of “signs” from Spirit and soul.

Every day it seems like something whether through repeating numbers or other signs such as:

  • Walking to the car, home, in nature, or the like and a feather is somehow beneath my feet. This happening once? Ok, but happening sometimes as much as ten times in one day? That is something one can not ignore. I must preface to say that if you are going and deliberately seeking to find signs, you may not get them. In every one of my experiences, the signs have fallen upon me without seeking like a detective. They just happened.
  • Certain wildlife interactions as if they have something to say. These are not the normal run ins, but ones that either suddenly repeat occurrences, are profound in how these interactions occurred, and usually occur in themes such as you are upset at something, or worried about something, having relationship difficulties, unsure of where you are going in life etc.
  • Signs through the elements – Spirit can alter the elements such as water in the clouds or fire to reveal what they want you to know. I have been receiving signs for years, but the last 30 days have been extraordinary.
  • Signs such as hearts or pennies. Again, if like me and they are happening numerous times in one day, then you need to stop and really pay attention and listen.


Signs? Everywhere there are signs?

Here are some signs I have been guided to share with you that I have personally experienced over the last 30 days.

On this day, I was walking to my car and just happened to look up at the clouds to see several signs. These cloud pictures were taken on the same day at the same location.

It was like a spirit mural of messages.

“The Angel”
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

The swooping heart downward was the first that caught my eye yet the last in the messages.

Then when I glance over I saw the Angel with a cardinal beneath her holding a ball of white light. Can you see the image in the picture to the right?

The feelings of peace instantly filled me up as I was having a challenging week. These are the words not spoken but clearly understood, and grateful.

A smile instantly over came me and my worries instantly dissipated that day.

“The Spirit Messenger Bird”
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

However, it was not until I decided to clean out my photos a few days later that some very striking images appeared that I did not see before.

There are two that I am posting here.
The first photograph is to the left … The Spirit Messenger Bird. Every time I look at this photo, I just want to go WOW.

I am in complete awe at the size of this image and the clarity of the details. The photo can not give you the sense of scale, size, or emotion as it was quite large in the sky.

I’m almost speechless. When I saw this bird in the clouds, it did bring me a tear of joy.

Things are changing my friends.

Keep the faith.
Stay positive.
Never lose hope.


“The Medieval Horse Rising From The Flames”
Copyright 2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All RIghts Reserved

The second image I took several weeks ago. Do you see the image?   This particular image was not revealed to me until few weeks after it was taken.

I was sitting at around this fire pit while on Cape Cod and felt a spiritual presence around with a very transformative message for someone who was with me that evening. I was also guided to snap a few pics.

The message I channeled that was helpful and healing to that person and something  this person needed to hear to heal karmic ties with multiple past lives.

I am also grateful for when Spirit materializes or gives us signs such as this to confirm those messages and prove the continuity of life.

This message was both for me and the other party. The image was to validate the experience we both shared in healing the past and knowing we are divinely protected at all times.

This month’s energies have been quite challenging to say the least, but I am still smiling. I’m still grateful. I’m still filled with peace in my heart. When we come from a place of gratitude instead of fear, the challenges we are faced are met with clearer and swifter solutions.

We are shedding off the old to reveal the new.

We are in this together. Together we can choose to enjoy this ride called life. It is important to try to embrace these energies with welcome arms even in times of adversity. Let go resistance, and trust your soul has got your back.

We are all going through great transformations.

It is time to shed the old to allow the new. We are emerging into the beautiful butterflies from the dark cocoons. Embrace the change

What signs from heaven have you been getting? I’d love to hear.

With love and light,

 Laura  Healing With Spirit,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

 message me or visit my website Healing With Spirit http://www.healingwithspirit.webs.com/

SERVICES: Psychic Medium Readings, Medical Intuitive Readings, Oracle and Tarot Card Readings, Energy Medicine, Reiki, Yuen Energetics, Holistic Health, Meditation, Stress Reduction, Spiritual and Holistic Health Coaching, Nutritionhttp://www.healingwithspirit.webs.com/


(C)2015 Laura Healing With Spirit. All Rights reserved


Seven Steps to Learning to Trust and Following Your Spiritual Path

The Universe has been busy trying to show us the way back to our soulful path and live a more authentic life. Some of us get it and have been working at following it. Others may feel lost and not sure what is going on.

I would like you to take a moment right now.


Take a deep breath and answer the following questions.

How is your emotional plane today? How are you surfing these latest emotional waves?

Those who have been around me, have been hearing me say quite frequently like a skipping record to “trust … your soul has got your back”.

We are all experiencing changes. Some of us are experiencing changes that are easier than others. However, none of us are immune. This is just a simple reminder to follow your soulful path, and to know your soul has got your back.

Here is a thought to ponder for the day:

“What am I attracting into my life? What vibrations and frequencies am I sending out?”

You can not control what others do, and sometimes you can not control certain situations and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to them.

If you are looking for solutions to your current situation, circumstance, or road block, the answers you seek lie within.

If you are thinking,
“But I pray and ask, but I never get anything?”, you may be doing one of the following:

  • You may not be listening to the signs and answers sent to you from the Universe
  • You may be resisting the changes needed in your life to help you live a more authentic or soulful life.
  • You may be trying too hard, blocking the flow of information and energy to you like a tourniquet cutting off blood supply to your spirit.

As a society we are bombarded with technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality with very little time to attend to the needs of the self leaving many feeling like:

  • We do not know who we are
  • Why we are here
  • What did we come here to do in this lifetime or
  • What we like without fear of what society thinks or caving to the pressures to the demands of society.
 I was recently talking about my trip to Africa, and what I learned about the impact of these types of energies being completely unplugged for approximately 30 days. When I returned, I was shocked to learn I became more heightened to the sensitivities of all these electrical stimuli. I began hearing simple buzzing of the tv and appliances that were plugged in, yet were turned off.
I was completely astounded by this experience and wanted to learn more about the impacts to the human body.  So over the years, I learned more about the physiology of the human body as well as paid attention to the many scientific studies regarding electrical impulses on the body.
First and foremost, we must realize that the human body generates its own electrical currents. Without the ability to generate electricity, we would be dead.  As soon as we can realize this, we can begin to learn to unplug once again, and restore our bodies to the natural state of homeostasis.  This is the beginning to opening the self to understanding the relationship you have with your soul and how all the “junk” in our lives blocks us from following our soulful path.

Here are seven simple steps to learning to trust in your spiritual path and letting your soul guide you.

Unplug. This is simple. Unplug from technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality. Knowing this and actually implementing this simple change are two separate issues and maybe difficult for some to do due to habits and lifestyles.

My thought to you:
You may never know how good you could have it, if you never do this and see what happens.

This does take time and patience as this is a lifestyle change.

Partner with your soul. – This means you need to learn to become your soul’s best friend. Talk to your soul as if you would your best friend. Discover your soul’s likes and dislikes. Discover why you are here and let your soul help you in your daily life. If you are saying to me, how do I do this?, the answer is by quieting the mind and learning at attune to the energies within and listening.

Create affirmations and mantras.  Here is an affirmation to help you through the day:  Today, I am letting my emotions surf the waves with uttermost confidence knowing my soul has got my back.

Let go resistance to change. Resistance is fear based. The two strongest emotions are fear and love, and they can not coexist. We must realize that what our soul wants and the Universe is stronger than what we want, which by the way is ego based. By learning to surrender ego and resistance, you release that tourniquet and open the flow of energies. When these energies are opened, anything is possible. The choice is yours and this is where free will steps in.

For me, it’s about learning to let go, and trusting in the process. Be mindful of your choices and reactions. That’s part of the lesson. How we react to people, …situations, and things can dictate which path you travel down.

Ride the waves of energetic changes with confidence and poise.  If you have noticed over the past year, those who have fought hard resisting changes, are the ones with the most difficult lessons. Those who rode the waves, stayed present, and embraced whatever changes came their way, had much smoother transitions.

Trust in your path.  This is especially evident with those struggling with faith and trust. Here you are asked to trust and have faith in the divine. I hear a lot of people say to me, “But I am all alone and it is difficult”. My answer to you is “You are never alone. You are always loved and surrounded by the divine. You just have to quiet the mind long enough to feel it, see it, and hear it.”

Practice daily awareness and mindfulness. This means, pay attention to your thoughts, vibrations, and actions. These all create ripples. Are you creating positive ripples or negative ones? Please visit my post on the ripple effect on how to create the ripples you desire in your life.

The Universe is reminding has been reminding us, like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz,  we’ve had the power all along.

We have been tested. Many spirits have been broken. BUT now, we learn that what we are truly seeking lies within us.

All the answers to your prayers … All the healing to you ailments … All the peace, joy, happiness … All the abundance you desire … All lie within.

This is a lesson about going within and learning to shift. You just need to get out of your own way and partner with your higher self and the Universe.  Success is closer than you think.

Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Much of what I share with you comes from Spirit as part of my own personal spiritual journey, healing and growth. I share because I know I’m not alone. I share because I know somewhere someone else can benefit. I share because it helps me in my spiritual development…. For that I thank you. We are all in this together. …

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


 Follow me on Facebook

 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.