Can Spiritual Based Therapies Heal Trauma?

I am incredibly honored to been asked to be a guest on Mal Duane’s AMAZING podcast “Awaken Divine Wilderness” recently where we talked about the successful spiritual & integrative processes I’ve learned over 15 years in healing trauma.

There are too many children and women that are subjected to abuse. I’d like to share that conversation with you on how spiritual based practices can heal trauma associated from domestic abuse and rape .

How can we help more of them feel loved and safe?

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With appreciation,


The “Epic Comeback” Interview

I am happy, humble and yet grateful to announce the guest appearance I had on this amazing podcast “The Epic Comeback” with the incredible Nikki Bruno talking about my story healing from trauma and abuse.

On Episode 71:

I share that the best ways to get to the other side of a life-shattering experience are

(1) to get out of your head and into your body;

(2) to “bless your junk” by transforming pain, hurt, and trauma into wholeness;

(3) to understand that the solutions to your challenges are internal, not external; and

(4) to take back your power and illuminate your gifts. Laura learned these lessons while enduring domestic abuse and rape.

You can catch the episodes here:

With appreciation,
