Learn Animal Reiki Certification

With 40 percent of Americans having tried alternative medicine—and 60 percent of U.S. households’ home to at least one pet—many people are increasingly turning to Reiki and other holistic therapies to help their animals.

This class is for students who are interested in receiving an extremely in-depth and practical foundation in Reiki with animals.

In this level of reiki you learn reiki for physical healing and self-care and the uses for your animal friends. It is considered a student level and introduction to the world of reiki. Students will learn the basics of human energy and its relationship to health and receive an intro to applications of reiki with animals.

What you learn includes:

  • Meditation
  • Reiki Talk, the different levels, and applications of use
  • What is Rei-ki and how does it work?
  • Accurate Reiki History and terminology
  • Gokai
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiki I attunement (Reiju)
  • Practical hands-on Reiki training and experience
  • Byosen Scanning
  • How to work with animals,
  • How to treat certain illnesses etc.,
  • How to understand specific cues given by our pets

With Laura’s support, the lessons will allow you to experience successful animal Reiki treatments, thus giving you the experience, you need to practice animal Reiki with all kinds of animals and in any situation with groundedness and confidence.

Click here for more information

Click here for reiki stories and experiences including uses on animals.

Click here for the use of reiki after a dog bite


To Register:

Via check, email me for the Registration form, or register via Eventbrite here:


Laura Joseph is an approved Jikiden Reiki® Shihan from the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan, and a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan Tradition.

She has studied with leading reiki historian and expert, Frank Arjava Petter and Tadao Yamaguchi, current President of the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan.

She is always seeking ways to learn and improve her practice by taking appropriate courses with organizations, conferences, and classes with experts in their respective fields.

She has been practicing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment including reiki since 2006 for animals and humans alike. Laura has over 15 cumulative years in the holistic and allopathic health fields.

Laura is also the author of the book “The Secrets to Healing: An Invitation to Heal Trauma and Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai”

Laura believes that animals, wild and domestic, know who to seek out for help when in need. Throughout Laura’s entire life, animals have sought her out and those in her family for help whether it was a seagull that was shot, a mother duck and ducklings searching for food, a pigeon who broke its wing, a dog who jumped into the car then delivers babies, or a stray cat who never leaves the front door. The stories are countless. Laura’s lifelong fondness for animals and her actions of what she has done, speaks for itself.

Laura is also passionate about finding solutions to the epidemic of abuse while providing healing to those inflicted including animals.

Learn Animal Reiki Certification

With 40 percent of Americans having tried alternative medicine—and 60 percent of U.S. households’ home to at least one pet—many people are increasingly turning to Reiki and other holistic therapies to help their animals.

This class is for students who are interested in receiving an extremely in depth and practical foundation in Reiki with animals.

This level of reiki you learn reiki for the physical healing and self-care and the uses for your animal friends. It is considered a student level and introduction to the world of reiki. Students will learn the basics of human energy and its relationship to health and receive an intro to applications of reiki with animals.

What you learn includes:

  • Meditation
  • Reiki Talk, the different levels, and applications of use
  • What is Rei-ki and how does it work?
  • Accurate Reiki History and terminology
  • Gokai
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiki I attunement (Reiju)
  • Practical hands-on Reiki training and experience
  • Byosen Scanning
  • How to work w animals,
  • How to treat certain illnesses etc.,
  • How to understand specific cues given by our pets

With Laura’s support, the lessons will allow you to experience successful animal Reiki treatments, thus giving you the experience, you need to practice animal Reiki with all kinds of animals and in any situation with groundedness and confidence.

Click here for more information

Click here for reiki stories and experiences including uses on animals.

Click here for use of reiki after a dog bite


To Register:

Via check, email me for Registration form or register via Eventbrite here:


Laura Joseph is an approved Jikiden Reiki® Shihan from the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan and a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan Tradition.

She has studied with leading reiki historian and expert, Frank Arjava Petter and Tadao Yamaguchi, current President of the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan.

She is always seeking ways to learn and improve her practice by taking appropriate courses with organizations, conferences, and classes with experts in their respective fields.

She has been practicing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment including reiki since 2006 for animals and humans alike. Laura has over 15 cumulative years in the holistic and allopathic health fields.

Laura is also the author of the book “The Secrets to Healing: An Invitation to Heal Trauma and Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai”

Laura believes that animals, wild and domestic, know who to seek out for help when in need. Throughout Laura’s entire life, animals have sought her out and those in her family for help whether it was a seagull that was shot, a mother duck and ducklings searching for food, a pigeon who broke its wing, a dog who jumps into the car then delivers babies, or a stray cat who never leaves the front door. The stories are countless. Laura’s lifelong fondness for animals and her actions of what she has done, speaks for itself.

Laura also is passionate about finding solutions to the epidemic of abuse while providing healing to those inflicted including animals.

Learn Animal Reiki Certification

In 2010, Dr. Oz declared Reiki his number one alternative medicine secret. With 40 percent of Americans having tried alternative medicine—and 60 percent of U.S. households home to at least one pet—many people are increasingly turning to Reiki and other holistic therapies to help their animals.

This class is for students who are interested in receiving an extremely in depth and practical foundation in Reiki with animals.

This level of reiki you learn reiki for the physical healing and self care and the uses for your animal friends. It is considered a student level and introduction to the world of reiki. Students will learn the basics of human energy and its relationship to health and receive an intro to applications of reiki with animals.

What you learn includes:

  •  Meditation
  •  Reiki Talk, the different levels, and applications of use
  • What is Rei-ki and how does it work?
  • Reiki History and terminology
  • Gokai
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiki I attunement (reiju)
  • Practical hands on Reiki training and experience
  • Byosen Scanning
  • How to work w animals,
  • How to treat certain illnesses etc.,
  • How to understand specific cues given by our pets

With Laura’s support, the lessons will allow you to experience successful animal Reiki treatments, thus giving you the experience you need to practice animal Reiki with all kinds of animals and in any situation with groundedness and confidence.

Click here for more information.

Click here for reiki stories and experiences including uses on animals

*For those already certified in some form of reiki – $111.00

To Register:

Please fill out the attached form and mail to contact listed on form.



Laura Joseph is an approved Jikiden Reiki® Shihan from the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan and a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan Tradition.

She has studied with leading reiki historian and expert, Frank Arjava Petter and Tadao Yamaguchi, current President of the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan.

She is always seeking ways to learn and improve her practice by taking appropriate courses with organizations, conferences, and classes with experts in their respective fields.

She has been practicing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment including reiki since 2006 for animals and humans alike. Laura has over 15 cumulative years in the holistic and allopathic health fields.

Laura believes that animals, wild and domestic, know who to seek out for help when in need. Throughout Laura’s entire life, animals have sought her out and those in her family for help whether it was a seagull that was shot, a mother duck and ducklings searching for food, a pigeon who broke its wing, a dog who jumps into the car then delivers babies, or a stray cat who never leaves the front door. The stories are countless. Laura’s lifelong fondness for animals and her actions of what she has done, speaks for itself.

Laura also is passionate about finding solutions to the epidemic of abuse while providing healing to those inflicted including animals.

Learn Animal Reiki Certification

With 40 percent of Americans having tried alternative medicine—and 60 percent of U.S. households’ home to at least one pet—many people are increasingly turning to Reiki and other holistic therapies to help their animals.

This class is for students who are interested in receiving an extremely in depth and practical foundation in Reiki with animals.

This level of reiki you learn reiki for the physical healing and self-care and the uses for your animal friends. It is considered a student level and introduction to the world of reiki. Students will learn the basics of human energy and its relationship to health and receive an intro to applications of reiki with animals.

What you learn includes:

  • Meditation
  • Reiki Talk, the different levels, and applications of use
  • What is Rei-ki and how does it work?
  • Accurate Reiki History and terminology
  • Gokai
  • Gassho meditation
  • Reiki I attunement (Reiju)
  • Practical hands-on Reiki training and experience
  • Byosen Scanning
  • How to work w animals,
  • How to treat certain illnesses etc.,
  • How to understand specific cues given by our pets

With Laura’s support, the lessons will allow you to experience successful animal Reiki treatments, thus giving you the experience, you need to practice animal Reiki with all kinds of animals and in any situation with groundedness and confidence.

Click here for more information

Click here for reiki stories and experiences including uses on animals.

Click here for use of reiki after a dog bite


To Register:

Via check, email me for Registration form or register via Eventbrite here:


Laura Joseph is an approved Jikiden Reiki® Shihan from the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan and a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui/Tibetan Tradition.

She has studied with leading reiki historian and expert, Frank Arjava Petter and Tadao Yamaguchi, current President of the Jikiden Reiki® Kenkyukai in Kyoto, Japan.

She is always seeking ways to learn and improve her practice by taking appropriate courses with organizations, conferences, and classes with experts in their respective fields.

She has been practicing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment including reiki since 2006 for animals and humans alike. Laura has over 15 cumulative years in the holistic and allopathic health fields.

Laura is also the author of the book “The Secrets to Healing: An Invitation to Heal Trauma and Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai”

Laura believes that animals, wild and domestic, know who to seek out for help when in need. Throughout Laura’s entire life, animals have sought her out and those in her family for help whether it was a seagull that was shot, a mother duck and ducklings searching for food, a pigeon who broke its wing, a dog who jumps into the car then delivers babies, or a stray cat who never leaves the front door. The stories are countless. Laura’s lifelong fondness for animals and her actions of what she has done, speaks for itself.

Laura also is passionate about finding solutions to the epidemic of abuse while providing healing to those inflicted including animals.

Jikiden Reiki Seminar in Okuden (Level II Training)

Jikiden Reiki® Okuden (level 2)training is recommended for people that want to learn more about Reiki and deepen their practice, be able to treat psychological problems, give treatments over any distance.


  • Receive 2 more Reiju
  • How to use Reiki specifically for psychological issues
  • How to use Reiki for bad habits and/or addictions.
  • Distance Reiki Variations of distance Reiki method for easier self treatment including for psychological issues.
  • Practice sessions and practical demonstrations

You will be able to treat a greater variety of problems with more convenience to yourself and those you give Reiki to.

For more about Jikiden Reiki®Training and classes, click here.

*Pre requisite – Satisfactorily completed Jikiden Reiki® in Shoden

Class Times:

Friday,  7pm – 9:30pm
Saturday,  9:30am-6pm
Non-Refundable deposit required to hold your spot: $200


Please mail in the Registration Form complete with payment.


Usui Reiki Level II Workshop

In Reiki II the focus is higher – in the emotional and mental bodies. Physical healing (learned in Reiki 1) means the clearing of disease and other negative physical body conditions. Emotional and mental healing means the clearing and revising of what the student thinks and feels.

Learn the Reiki symbols and how to use them in distance healing, scanning, and healing techniques. The use of these symbols increases the power and focus of the hands-on healing technique learned in Reiki I. This workshop will also continue with the knowledge learned in Reiki I including: meditation, chakra clearing, hands on healing, and grounding the energy.

You must have completed your Reiki Level I training and attunement to study Level II. Extensive notes & hands-on training. Expect change in your life with this workshop.

Tuition: $250 Resits: $100

** Prerequisites: Reiki Level 1 certification is required to take this course.

Testimonials About Reiki

“The Reiki one course was a unique and powerful experience and yet another opportunity to open the portals into the spiritual world. Laura walked us through the important aspects of the origin of Reiki, led each of us through the attunement process and gave us ample opportunity to practice what we had learned. She is a knowledgeable and a patience teacher….”

“…She is an awesome teacher and a beautiful soul!!!”

“It was an awesome learning experience…”

“I left my skeptism at the door because I’m curious if all I’ve known and all that I’ve had is really all that I’ll ever be…After just a couple visits I know I’m more…I’ve learned to cut the string of baggage past…”

“Without the help I have received here I do not know where I would be today or who I would be.”

TO REGISTER: Call/text 857-880-0365 or email us

♡♡ Please NOTE: There are different schools, thought, and practice. It is important to find a teacher who will give you all that you seek in your reiki studies and with whom you align with. For me, this is one of the most important elements in learning Reiki.

♡♡ This is not Jikiden Reiki which is a different Reiki style that is a deeper more traditional Japanese practice pre-Mrs.Takata. Please visit www.laurahealingwithspirit.com OR the Facebook event page for class dates and information

FOR THE LATEST INFORMATION, visit https://www.facebook.com/events or www.laurahealingwithspirit.com

*Must have text book and copy of your certificate to qualify for discount. Add $30 for text book if it needs to be ordered.