What is Up Energetically in July?

What to Focus on + Full Day Immersion Offerings

Wowza there has been some serious energies over the past month huh? – a pull in extremes, a test, an upleveling, a breaking point where many are saying “enough” wondering when there will be space to breathe.

As I sit and reflect on these energies, I am increasingly noticing the repeating themes of duality playing out simultaneously. It started when I was in Ireland leading a pilgrimage a couple months ago where we got to witness this aspect of duality scream loud and clear the entire time we were there.

Being a Pisces and a multigenerational, multidisciplinary healer and intuitive, I feel these dualistic energies very deeply. It can feel scary at times where fear or grief can get the best of us, but also know these energies are perfectly aligned to be calling in

  • more introspection
  • a deeper spiritual exploration
  • clarity around communication
  • space to reassess personal goals
  • a more targeted personal growth
  • emotional renewal
  • more enriching self-care practices

I’m no astrologer, but I do understand energy, space weather, cosmic energies and how it impacts us as humans in our lives and health. It has been something I have addressed and worked on how to navigate personally and professionally for nearly the last 20+ years.

Copyright 2018 Laura Bonetzky Joseph

This month, July 2024, is aligned perfectly to create that nurturing environment we’ve been desiring while also addressing our deep-seated emotional wounds that maybe have been stuffed away, medicated away, bypassed, or love and lighted away yet linger still waiting for the emotional energies to be moved, healed and released.

Some of this is NOT from this life.

Much of what I am witnessing this year at increasing intervals is the multi-layers of this life, generational stuff, and past lives all weaving and surfacing simultaneously, and it is a key factor that is stumping western medicine these days. This is because it is spiritual affecting the physical, mental and emotional bodies and the primary way to address it is in the spiritual.

We are at a very profound time in history for evolutionary change personally and collectively.

(Stay tuned for our upcoming Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast episodes on the psychic, numerology, and astrology on what is happening politically in regard to the upcoming election)

The energies are prime for each of us to see beyond the physical stories and veil and go deeper in the ancestral realms flowing in our veins to reclaim aspects of our self that has been lost, forgotten, or stolen by systems of oppression or religious indoctrination.

copyright 2019 Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit

The energetic roots for some of us that go back lifetimes of thousands of years are surfacing to the present not to make our lives miserable but to break the harmful patterns of humanity.

Humans have a cruel history since the patriarchy rose up against the goddess in a power control dynamic without regard to stewardship to the whole or balance to all life on Earth.

It is time to change this narrative, turn our triggers into a power, reclaim our sovereignty, and remember the ways of the healed and whole ancestors to restore balance and stewardship to all life on Earth.

This is our time.

Our time to break free from traditional toxic cultural colonizer norms and rise up for progressive changes, particularly in self-worth, sovereignty, and societal structures that help the planet as a whole and restores balance.

Copyright 2023 Healing With Spirit, Laura Bonetzky Joseph

But we must first calm the stress, chatter in the egoic mind, and rising anxieties and spend this month of July for more TARGETED SELF-CARE and inner work – to go deeper as stated above before we will know HOW to move forward and what actions to take.

Based on current energies, if we give ourselves permission to take on this task over the next three weeks, and learn to master the alignment of energetic flow, we will be setting ourselves up in a strong, powerful, centered way. So, when we face the next energetic waves of contrast projected in August, September, November, and part of December, we will be in a much stronger position moving into 2025.

It is time we remember the ways of the ancestors.

The ways of community and stewardship versus hyper-individualism and self-entitlements.

The ways of alignment with the spiritual world and our great Mother as they are one.

The current energetic climate is encouraging us to

  • have faith that our soul knows better than us
  • to align with the ancestors
  • to have our courage be stronger than our fears
  • and to take action.

This is not a time of inaction. Action is required NOW. It starts with us.

Copyright 2018 Healing With Spirit, Laura Bonetzky Joseph

Everything starts with us, and it starts with us going inside and

  • really nurturing our inner child,
  • going into deep inquiry,
  • UNpacking cultural, religious, societal conditioning, aligning with our soul, ancestors, and the Universe,
  • and administering self-care that does NOT bypass the inner work or is used a distraction to avoid facing the hard stuff. The hard stuff will get harder till we face it. This is what we are called to face.

This is NOT an external job, but an internal one and the internal affects the external in ways that defy logic.

I am here to be your guide.

To hold space and help teach you how to steer your own boat from a place of power and trust.

Copyright 2024 Healing With Spirit, Laura Bonetzky Joseph, Adam Kaczmarek Photography

Special July Offering:
1:1 Half Day or Full Day Immersions

I am excited to be offering more half day and full day private customized healing and/or spiritual guidance immersion sessions to help you in your path, and address whatever you need to address, heal, grow from.

These have been a growing part of my practice and I love witnessing the benefits others receive from them.

Who is this for?

  • folks seeking a day like a personal solo retreat to replenish themselves and charge up their inner batteries
  • folks who need a more intensive immersive session to address a particular or deeper issue
  • folks who may not be local and need to travel and want to maximize impact
  • folks who are seeking to put aside a day to do deep intensive immersive personal healing, spiritual, or inner work

If you are seeking any of these, then these immersions are primed for YOU.

What is an Immersion?

Think of this as a splash of a personal private retreat mixed with flairs of pilgrimage into the self. It really depends on what you are seeking.

This offering is a customized blend based on your desires – integrative therapies, healing, spiritual coaching – to meet you where you are at & elevate you to be your own superhero. We will explore, address root issues, transform pain, & grow. We bridge science, research, and the practical magic of sacred, ancient traditions … with honor and integrity.

Laura is a seasoned experienced facilitator with nearly 20 years working professionally as a multigenerational multidisciplinary healer and intuitive who understands how to weave the many disciplines I offer to address root issues and help you get the targeted breakthrough you are seeking.

So whether you just want to go into the woods for the day and learn how to commune with trees and the spirits of the land or you want to bliss out in front of a gong or you want deeper work, these immersions are customized for your desires and needs. I am here to serve and guide.

If you are still reading this, there must be a reason. Please consider giving yourself this gift of self-care. The level of opportunity to take advantage of this this month with the current energetic alignment is rare.

Where Are These Offered?

Half day immersions are located in or around the vicinity of Healing with Spirit in Hingham, MA

Full Day immersions (Lunch & snacks included) can be located at

  • Healing With Spirit in Hingham, MA,
  • your location (depending on needs as some things might require my office),
  • and can be blend outdoor activity in nature with indoor to meet your needs.

 WHY Invest? Benefits Include

There are so many reasons to invest in something like a half day or full day immersions especially NOW with the current energetic climate such as

  1. Deep Customized Personal Focus: The extended time allows for a comprehensive and personalized approach to address specific issues, providing a tailored experience that might not be possible in shorter sessions. These sessions are customized to meet you and your needs which are discussed ahead of time.
  1. A Deeper Healing Process: This allows for a more in-depth exploration of physical, emotional, and mental health, enabling a holistic and spiritual healing process that can tackle underlying causes of issues rather than just symptoms.
  1. copyright 2018 Healing With Spirit Laura Bonetzky Joseph

    Stress Relief: Spending a whole day focused on self-care and healing can significantly reduce stress and provide a much-needed break from daily routines and pressures. In doing so, the nervous system can be rebooted in a way that has a lasting effect and the recipient has learned ways to address stress in the future as it arises. This is important to note, because how stress shows up in the body and how we cope is different for everyone. Everything we do is customized to meet your needs.

  1. Intensive Therapeutics: Blending a variety of spiritual based integrative therapies that are customized to you, offers the opportunity to combine multiple therapeutic techniques, such as ancestral healing, meditation, mindfulness, gong bath, spiritual guidance, vibrational healing, reclamation work, energy work, communing with the ancestors and nature spirits, rituals and ceremony for a more comprehensive healing experience.
  1. Transformation: The level of time dedicated in such a concentrated customized way can facilitate a deeper and more transformative experience, leading to lasting changes and profound insights while also giving you concrete tools and skills that will carry you forward.
  1. Personalized Attention: The one-on-one nature ensures that we can give our undivided attention to the recipient in a nurturing soul-filling customized way, which can enhance the effectiveness and impact of the experience.
  1. Enhanced Relaxation: Immersive healing sessions can provide a sense of retreat and relaxation, creating an environment conducive to profound healing and rejuvenation.

These benefits make full day private healing immersion attractive to those seeking significant and comprehensive improvements in their well-being.


Goup Past Life Regression With Jill Jardine

Have you ever wondered why you are fascinated by certain historical times or personages?

Past Life Regression can take you back to rediscover soul gifts and talents, from a previous incarnation. Past Life regression therapy can reveal the karmic connection you have with others.   Why did you marry that person? What is the unresolved karma from a past life?  Why does a certain person affect you in deep ways, whether you are inextricably drawn to them or can’t stand them?

Also, we may wonder why we have certain skills or talents that seemed to come very easily to us, even when we were young. Jill started doing astrology readings at 15 years old and as she got older, she knew she had gleaned astrological wisdom from previous lifetimes as a “Jyotisha” astrologer in India.  Also, when I was learning Sanskrit mantras, they were so familiar and easy for me to remember and pronounce. This was another skill set I had developed from a previous incarnation in India.  Perhaps the same one in which I became an advanced Jyotisha.

The first stage of the process is to induce the client into a moderately deep trance through various induction techniques. When the participant is induced, the PLR therapist suggests their subconscious mind take the client to a past life in which they developed a particular talent.  They connect with the past life personality, experience that lifetime through the past life person’s perspective, receive the gifts from the past life self, integrate the energies, and access wisdom from the Bardo State from the past life self.


About Your Facilitator:

Jill Jardine, M.A. Counseling/Psychology, has been a life-long Astrologer and Psychic, studying metaphysics and reading astrological charts and tarot cards since she was 15 years old.  Jill received a Master’s degree in Counseling/Psychology in 1991, to legitimize her astrological and Intuitive counseling. Jill is certified in several healing modalities including as a certified Vedic Astrologer, Yoga teacher, Sanskrit Mantra instructor, and Kundalini Yoga teacher . She has been blessed to study with several wise Gurus from India and metaphysical teachers. Jill believes our body is our temple, and we have to continually fine-tune our consciousness, body, mind, and spirit by pursuing healing practices. Jill was once told by an Indian Guru that “God and the Gurus have blessed her with the Gift of Divine Intuition.” Jill is honored to be of service to share her god-given gifts and cultivated wisdom with her clients.

Astrology 101 with Hilary Harley

Beginning astrology teaches the basics of this ancient science and art. In this course, you will learn about the what, how and where of astrology: the 10 planets along with the 12 signs and 12 houses that each planet rules. We will also cover the elements, qualities and chart angles essential for your astrological foundation.


About Hilary Harley:

Hilary Harley founded Harley Holistic Healing in 2002 to align clients with their fullest potential. She is a counseling astrologer with a global practice. Hilary integrates both Reiki and the Akashic records into her client sessions. Hilary began her astrological studies with Dietrech Pessin, and continued training with Monique Pommier and Dorothy Oja. She received her Reiki Master certification in January 2016 and Akashic Records certification in February 2018.

Following the publication of her novel, “Ring of Truth” in 2008, Hilary has written the astrology column for SPIN Magazine and the Otis Observer. Her podcast “Mystical Messages” features her astrology forecasts and interviews with innovating energy practitioners, available through Google, Apple and Spotify. She has presented lectures for local, national and international Reiki and astrology conferences and forums. Hilary offers an on-line “Astrology 101” course via her website: hilaryharley.com.

Hilary received her BFA and MLA from Southern Methodist University. She is a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research, a professional organization for astrologers. Hilary’s monthly astrology blog is free to all via her website: www.hilaryharley.com, her Facebook pages: harley holistic healing, Hilary Harley astrology. You may also follow her on Instagram @hilary.harley.

Episode #17: 2022 in Review & 2023 Psychic Spirit Energy Forecast

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 17 of Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast with host, Laura Bonetzky-Joseph. In this episode, we decided to do an energy forecast for the 2023 year with three key takeaways in the end.

  • 2022 in Review
  • What did we learn & how are we moving forward
  • 2023 Numerology
  • 2023 Energies
  • Tarot Card Energies
  • Power of Crow/Raven Magic
  • Three in numerology
  • “0” in numerology
  • Surrender the Ego
  • Plus 3 Key takeaways


Real talk. Let’s address the elephant in the room to the growing “sickness” in our society, address root issues and provide sustainable solutions.

We hope by addressing the intersectionality and connect the dots like a web of many of society’s challenges, we can help others understand the trauma infection that impacts all areas of life – addiction, domestic violence, racism, homelessness, sexual abuse, chronic health issues, cancer, environmental issues, climate change and more.

In this NEW collaborative program, we hope by highlighting these infected areas and what they share in common, a new perspective of solutions, healing, and resolutions can be birthed.

Each episode addresses a certain trigger while offering the spiritual medicine with at least 3 tips or actionable steps our listeners can take and implement.

Vision: To break the unrecognized endemic of unresolved unhealed trauma & create sustainable systems for recovery, healing & empowerment.

Mission: To help others rediscover the power that lies within and to find that treasure buried in the depths of the shadows. To help them become their own superhero.

Please consider becoming a Patreon supporter to support our social justice initiatives https://www.patreon.com/HealingWithSpirit

Bio-Resonance Holistic Fair

I will be offering book signings & readings including:

  • Numerology
  • spirit medium
  • tarot
  • spiritual guidance
  • psychic
  • oracle cards
  • medical medium

2022 Psychic Energy & Cosmic Weather Forecast

This year in general is about duality, integration, and community.

In this video the following is talked about:

  • Numerology: 222/6 Year
  • The 3 types of energetic tiers folks will be experiencing this year.
  • The Lion card
  • The 10 card celtic spread
  • the impacts of the solar cycle – the sun waking up with more intense storms, more earthquakes, volcanic activity and more.

Plus, we talked about 2022 with these themes:

  • addressing the roots to our triggers,
  • healing root issues
  • community vs self

Some might find themselves MORE easily triggered if they have NOT faced, addressed, and resolved root issues.

Certain energies may amplify for some folks who are emotionally immature or avoiding addressing their root issues or trauma.

The energies of 2022 are supportive for:

  • healing root issues such as trauma
  • planting sustainable gardens including growing your own food in containers if need be.
  • learn or deepen a spiritual practice
  • address and build a relationship with shadow self
  • clear out clutter
  •  sustainability
  • building solid community structures.
  • The rise of the people vs folks in power.

Mid-Winter Psychic Blitz – Fair

Join me for a mid-winter psychic blitz. See flier for all the amazing offerings.

FREE admission

Doors OPEN at 9:30am

Readings are 20 mins for $25 (cash only please).

Due to the mandate of the mayor of Nashua, MASKS ARE REQUIRED.

I am grateful to be one of the readers onsite for this event offering:

  • numerology
  • psychic medium
  • spiritual mediumship
  • tarot
  • spiritual guidance
  • medical intuitive readings

To learn more about the spiritual guidance Laura offers, click here.

To learn more about the psychic mediumship readings, Laura offers, click here.

About Laura:

Laura comes from a strong family lineage of natural intuitives. Her father used his intuitive gifts as a physician to make life saving diagnosis’s in patients. Her mother used her intuitive gifts as a nurse. Her aunt read palms and her grandmother and great grandmother read tea leaves.

Laura has a private practice near the beach on the south shore of Boston, MA where she has been providing spiritually based integrative holistic health enrichment through programs, services, events, groups, retreats, and classes since 2006.

She considers herself a healer, educator, speaker, a natural born intuitive, metaphysician, trauma survivor, health advocate, mentor, artist, writer & overall spiritual badass.

She has 2 books coming out in 2022.

Coming on January 24, 2022 is “Feisty: Amazingly Dangerous Women Using Their Voices and Making an Impact” Click here to learn more.

And in the Spring of 2022, “The Secrets to Healing: An Invitation to Healing the Roots to Chronic Illness & Trauma Through The Japanese Reiki Gokai” where she shares how she healed the “Broken Me”

Click here to learn more about Laura.

Click here to learn more about Laura’s spiritual gifts.


2020 In Review and The 2021 Energy Forecast

Are you ready for it?

This 2020 review and 2021 energy forecast was recorded LIVE on 1/1/21 during our normally scheduled Mornings with Laura; Spiritual Medicine & Meditation event.

Here is a glimpse of what we talk about.

  • We reviewed the 2020 energies and themes that played out throughout the year.
  • Numerology for the day 1/1/21: 7
  • 2021 Numerology for the year: 5
  • Today’s Medicine 1/1/21: PAINTED TURTLE
  • PLUS, a guided meditation with the Tibetan Singing Bowls

The numerology for 2020 was a 4 year – a “work” year as talked about throughout the year in our LIVE events as well as throughout the blog posts posted throughout the year as well.

What does this mean – a “work” year? We have a leveling out that happened in 2020 between the ego/material world and the soul/spiritual realm. This means that:

  • shadows revealed
  • trauma healing – generational, past life, personal
  • karmic debt
  • no longer able to spiritually bypass without consequences

The deep hard stuff was in our face and we were forced to face it. Clearly 2020 was no joke. However, if you think 2021 will be a walk in the park, you might be in for a rude awakening.

The Beetle – The Past Lessons

The focus was on the “earth” elements, cocooning, and restoring balance of life.

This was reflected in the “Beetle” card pulled which is associated with the water element, the 7 of cups in tarot which highlighted the need to face necessary decisions.

In 2020 we discovered the need for stronger partnership with plant and herbal medicine and stewardship of our great Mother Earth.

We discovered the importance of grounding, centering, tapping into ancestral work/wisdom, decolonization work, and social justice.

(A complete list of 2020 reports at the bottom).

We have been learning how to balance the yin/yang, light/dark as we evolve into a new era of human evolution.

This years surrender influence: SURRENDER DEFENSIVENESS

Now before you all get defensive – hahahahaha – take a pause and process without judgment.  See what shows up for you as you go through the meditation portion in the video.

“Defensiveness is a sign of weakness. To communicate in a more empowered way, stay centered and hear someone out – then offer a clear, non defensive response.”

The Painted Turtle – The Present Moments

In 2021, we move into integration as brought to us by the painted turtle which is associated with the fire element and the 6 of wands in tarot.

The painted turtle is showing us to continue with what we set out in motion in2020 with the lessons of the beetle. Through all this good stuff will commence this year.

Themes of working together in groups or collaboration is important. It is key to be less “me” or “I” and more “we”, which is a very Aquarian age theme moving forward anyway.

The rewards are NOT without continued strong effort. These efforts will begin to see the payoff especially over the next 2-3 months – so basically through spring equinox.

What do you want to birth????

The Swan – Moving Forward

The swan in the future position has been showing up repeatedly during our Facebook LIVE events at the end of the year and in the beginning. There is no coincidence here.

Swan is connected to the Temperance (XIV) card in tarot. Over the next 2-3 months, it is important to move forward with the lessons from the prior two cards and implement their teachings.

Be aware of the increase sensitivities into new realms and energies associated with these teachings to be awakening for you. HOWEVER, we can NOT bypass the first 2 lessons of the beetle and turtle to get there.

It is important to pay attention to what shows up for you in the subtle energy realm over the next 2-3 months.

Try new things.


See what shows up without the need to control outcomes or create expectations.

Create and maintain more balance in the elementals – water, air, earth, fire. Yet, do not abandon everything right now either.

Watch the replay for more key information and discussions around what we learned from 2020 and how to move forward in 2021.

Plus, a meditation to help you begin the year centered, clear and balanced


Three Lessons 2019 Taught Us, Three Things To Know About Navigating the 2020 Energies, & What It All Means

The 2020 Intense Karmic Start and Four Tips To Move Forward – Well in case you missed my January post, 2020 is a massive year for “change” being a four year in numerology in all areas of our life. It is also a “work” year, a year to cultivate our deep inner spirit, and connect with the ancestors for healing and wisdom.

The 444 Psychic Energy Regarding COVID19– what is happening energetically, collectively and spiritually around the COVID19 and what we need to do collectively to move forward.

Facing the Shadows & Healing During COVID19, This is an invitation to hope, healing and guidance during some very challenging times of cocooning.

Spiritual Medicine With Jaguar During Times of Civil Unrest -This has been quite the spiritual journey in the depths of the shadow realm this year, and there is a LOT surfacing personally, collectively, karmicly, and generationally in the first 6 months amidst a COVID19 outbreak with growing protests & civil unrest. A spiritual message is born.

2020 Mid Year Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You Into The Last QuarterWhat happened in July energetically, Numerology update, “FLOW”, “The Dark Night of the Soul”, 4 Tips to help you move forward into the last quarter of 2020. 

Fall 2020 Psychic Review & Energy Update + 4 Tips To Guide You –  An energetic over view year to date of what happened and how to move forward

2020 Presidential Election Psychic Energy Forecast, posted in September 2020, my election predictions.

A 2020 Halloween Astro, Full Moon, Numerology, Cosmic, Energy, Space Weather Updates + 5 Tips to do NOW

Halloween Energy Update

We will talk about what has been happening w/ a summary in the areas of
  • Numerology
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • Mars Retrograde
  • Recent Space Weather events
  • Recent electrical events on Earth
  • Tomorrow’s Full Moon
  • How Halloween factors in all this

AND 5 TIPS on where to focus NOW

My goal  with this post is to provide some energetic psychic insight to what is happening from as pure of a state as possible while giving spiritual guidance on how to navigate these polarizing energies while balancing any triggers we may encounter along the way.

For more on the three Powers classes:
