TSM Episode 36: The Psychic, Numerology, Astrology Aspects Leading Up to the Election.

Welcome to Episode 36 of “Triggers and Spiritual Medicine” podcast with your host, Laura Bonetzky Joseph, and our guest, Victoria Kray of Victory Astrology.

This is an episode you don’t want to miss where Laura and Victoria engage in a difficult topic surrounding the energies leading up to the upcoming election. Using tarot, psychic, numerology and astrology, they will help us to understand these wild transformative misunderstood energetic aspects leading up to the election in the United States.

Join us as Victoria opens up about her experiences as an astrologer offering valuable insights into understanding the Astrology aspects of what’s happening politically in the USA and offers at least three tips on how to navigate these energies.

We hope you find this episode helpful in understanding what is so you know how to align more effectively with greater ease.

Our intention is to trigger folks hopefully in the right direction aligned with soul as a steward not as a human faced with unpacking generations of cultural toxic capitalist neocolonizer patriarchal conditioning and church indoctrination.

As always, please share, like, support if you found this episode helpful

DISCLAIMER: This is for entertainment purposes.

About Victoria:

She is a cheerleader at heart and not afraid to offer straightforward empowering messages. EVERYTHING is about perspective in astrology and interpretations vary from different schools of thought. She is mostly self-taught, but influenced by: Carl Jung, Dane Rudhyar, Jeffrey Wolf Green, Evolutionary Astrology, Alice Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, Melanie Reinhardt, Liz Greene, and many other brilliant cosmically attuned Teachers. She feels one of her great gifts is synthesizing many different streams of information and teachings into messages for the Highest Good without being confined by any one particular system. She primarily uses the Tropical Zodiac and Placidus house system – she feels it is the most accurate.

She has been a student of astrology and all things Metaphysical since she was a teenager, over 30 years ago. She’s always had a voracious appetite for Knowledge and Information.

She founded VICTORY ASTROLOGY in January, 2018. This space is meant to share her love of astrology and help teach others how to empower themselves by learning to understand the language of Astrology, rather than seeing it as a “Belief System” or religion. It is not.

Link: https://www.victoryastrology.com/work

Tarot Card Pull Regarding The Mueller Report Congressional Hearings

Today is Wednesday, July 24, 2019, the day Robert Mueller was testifying before Congress once again.

During the congressional hearings, I pulled cards regarding the Mueller Report again. I did the first card pull on this topic on April 21, 2019 which was posted on Instagram.

So far (since 2010) my readings on politics hasn’t been wrong… knock on wood. I always remind myself there is always a first time.

I believe we are at a crossroads and it is crucial for the American people to bombard our Congress men and women to ACT on this issue NOW.

There are lots of changes beginning to happen and it’s crucial to stay on point to what’s at stake and not let the media, President, or Congress DISTRACT us with a tactic abusers know well… throw lots of smack on the walls to keep them busy while statute of limitations to address this serious issue wanes.

THIS is a wake up call for all NOW. How long it takes to repair will take time.

Card Spread regarding the Mueller Report Congressional Hearings July 24, 2019

—-> For those who can read cards, what do you see? <—-

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 © 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission. 
This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.