Why self care matters – at least to me.
I am in the business of energy balance, healing, spiritual guidance, mentorship, and transforming lives. How my vessel is maintained is crucial to my work. If I am exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, or unwell, I am not at the best I can be for who I serve.
If I want my clients to listen to the guidance given to them, then I must walk the walk. To me, it is the easiest form of helping another – leading by example.
There has been a LOT of growth, transformation, breakthroughs, healing, and more this year. That kind of movement can throw anyone well disciplined off tracks from time to time as it can feel like a treadmill speeding up but you can not always keep up. So, you pause a moment.
As a result of all this growth, I made a commitment to myself earlier this year to make room for more self care, personal development, self growth, healing, unplug, and connection to the divine as it going to be needed moving forward.
I have attended 2 one day retreats already this year, a sisterhood of the staffs gathering, and a sacred community weekend event with indigenous elders. I have more planned still this year including Italy and Vancouver.
For me, this allows me to come back and be present and be of service to others in need more effectively. This is not about going out traveling and partying. It is about listening to the needs of the soul and the wisdom of the body to flourish.
A Few Days on Cape Cod:

This week I took a few days off to go to Cape Cod for some much needed self care to reboot my energy, gain some insight, heed to calls of the wisdom of my own body, and the meet the needs of my soul.
I spent a great deal of my time kayaking for at least 3 hours every morning while invoking meditation, ceremony, connection to our Great Mother Earth, and divine wisdom.
One of the message bearers came from Osprey soaring the skies effortlessly, making it’s presence known with it’s unique calling, taking chances on questionable housing, and blended with the natural landscape when needed to ground itself with the medicine of the trees.
They are truly a majestic bird of prey and hunter of the oceans. Unlike the cousin, hawk, the osprey is a true master of the air, land, and oceans with the alchemy of fire.
Osprey medicine can come when we are faced with overwhelming or uncomfortable times in our lives.

In my case, they can serve as a reminder to make sure my boundaries are healthy and clear enough to command the respect we desire from others.
As I observed continuously on the daily, osprey have sharp keen vision and can fearlessly dive into the oceans with sharp talons to catch it’s prey.
Finally, the osprey is also interestingly enough associated with solar forces with the alchemy of fire. What does this mean? Because, it has no fear of the sun, it is able to hunt and see unhindered by it.
It is able to work through the land (physical body), the air (the mental body, thoughts) and the ocean (the emotional body) to transform and transmute and misqualified energies within.
Its power and majesty make the Osprey an important symbol in spiritual and esoteric activities. It helps those who view it as a symbol of strength and power.
Because of this, osprey, like its cousin hawk, may be viewed as a messenger of the gods, with its swift wings and mastery over air, land and the oceans. It can fly anywhere as well as get anything it wants in a seemingly effortless way.
The Osprey is connected with Hermes or Mercury linked to communication and divine inspiration. As I witnessed these past few days, the osprey was quite vocal when it needed to be.

This Week’s Osprey Medicine:
- Control over our own fate
- Clarity of vision
- Know your true power
- Soar the skies effortlessly
- Mastery over emotions and communication
- Be Precise
- Trust in our abilities backed by the confidence to know they can achieve their goals.
- Message bearer – communication, divine inspiration
- Avoid distractions
- Motivation

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© 2019 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. Any use of this work must be properly quoted and referenced and with permission.
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