Reflections from a Morning of Mindfulness at Webb State Memorial Park

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” – Buddha

Journey with us into the miracle of mindfulness in nature.  Experience life through a different lens. We hope this post inspires you to bring more mindfulness into your life.

Morning here this morning in New England at Webb Park in Weymouth Massachusetts was a brisk and damp 63° upon arrival for the Morning of Mindfulness Project.

Those who were mindful of the current weather conditions dressed appropriately and accordingly for today.

When we do these groups part of the lessons is to embrace what “is” regardless of a cards we are dealt with at the moment.

We began the morning was pulling an oracle card to help set the tone and guide us on today’s journey.

The card for the day was “Surrender Obsessive Thinking” which seems to be quite relevant under the current energies that we are experiencing right now heading into the eclipse season.

Today’s morning of mindfulness began with a simple guided meditation and sensory exercise before we headed out on our journey. If you’ve never joined us for one of these, you will know that every week we do something different and focus on something different even though we incorporate basic teachings weekly.

This week we focused our mastery of presence through our breath and awareness listening to the wisdom given to us through nature and our bodies.

“The mind in its natural state can be compared to the sky, covered by layers of cloud which hide its true nature.”
– Kalu Rinpoche

Here are some observations we made today. (Pictures taken after the event as to not disrupt the exercises and experiences. Pictures taken in areas revisited.)

It is hard not to notice the wet grounds with the recent rains yesterday and into early this morning.

In Shintoism, a native religion of Japan (to many Japanese it is not a religion but a way of being and is cultural), the clouds represent where the Gods reside and the rains represents one way for the Gods to come from the heavens.

“An essential point of Shinto is the idea that wa (kind, benign and harmless harmony) is inherent in nature and social relationships.”[i]

“The Japanese descriptive term for Shinto is Kami no Michi. Kami means the “deities,” or “gods,” no is the possessive, and Michi means the “way” or “road.” There­fore it signifies as a whole, the “way of the gods.”‘[ii]

The rain drops on the leaves remind us that water is life and that life is all around us. Just like the water serves as nourishment for these leaves and plants it serves as nourishment for our souls.


Secondly we observed and experienced roots from these trees reminding us to ground but also sucking up the vital nutrients from the earth gifted by the rains.

As we continued on our journey, we allowed more to flow through the ebbs and flows of life.

Come back to square one, just the minimum bare bones. Relaxing with the present moment, relaxing with hopelessness, relaxing with death, not resisting the fact that things end, that things pass, that things have no lasting substance, that everything is changing all the time—that is the basic message.” 

– Pema Chodron.

The purpose of this project is to help us with mindfulness tools to adapt in our everyday way of life. When we can train ourselves to stop from time to time throughout the day, we can come back to the present and let go of our worries and preoccupations. When our minds and bodies are calm, we can see our situations more clearly and we know better what to do and what not to do.

At first, “stopping” may seem like a kind of resistance to modern life, but it isn’t that. Here, we are using the elements found in nature to help us with presence.

For instance, there is magic in mindfulness with nature. Today, the flowers that bloom covered in the rain dew are guiding us to all that is reminding us of what it is needed for us to blossom.

The yellow connects us to our own inner guidance system allowing “thought” to step aside as we through the awareness process just allow.

The white shows us the purity and how delicate, intricate, and beautiful life can be when many times we are so distracted in a way where we are unable to see the magic and beauty.
The idea of “stopping” is the first aspect of meditation. The second aspect is looking deeply. Once we have brought calm, peace, and joy into our bodies and minds, we can look into our difficulties to see their roots, bringing understanding and making transformation possible.

Stopping gives us space to observe our negative thinking without getting caught up in it; we call this mirror recognition. Stopping also allows us to be in touch with what is positive and healing. The purpose of our practice is not to avoid life, but to experience and demonstrate that happiness in life as possible now and also in the future.
“Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn

Sometimes we just have to become one. When we do, all thought process vacated and presence takes over. The past and future become irrelevant, a state of relaxation commences, and a new sense of awareness is heightened as we maintain the practice of mindfulness in our journey. 
We are so used to running around, even at home, that stopping is a hard habit to develop. Visual cues can serve as a gentle reminder that now is the perfect time to stop and be aware of the present moment.
Connecting in nature as we did today can serve as a perfect way to stop and just BE.
Sometimes we are given signs, the glimpses of divine presence. Without awareness or mindfulness, we miss out and wonder why our prayers go unanswered. 

“It’s only a small step from the word ‘being’ to the experience of ‘being’.”
-Eckhart Tolle

Sometimes when we are stuck in our own chaos unable to see through the trees, we a given a glimpse of a forest with a clear vision through them guiding us to shift perspective a bit. 

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.”
– Jack Kornfield

Sometimes we stumble upon what was originally erected as a memorial and suddenly you see it from a different perspective as a very sacred spiritual mandala heightening the sensations of our mindfulness journey throughout the morning. 

“Meditation is not evasion; it is a serene encounter with reality.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh

Then suddenly after the amazing profound spiritual experience at the Circle, the chatty birds, the invigorating ocean breezes, and the nearby crashing waves begin to take over our awareness.
We slowly walked to this area. A stop we must and again to just BE taking in the wild flowers, grasses, trees, rocks, nearby islands, and the crashing ocean waves.
Also, noticing we were on a trail classified as a “healthy trail”
Listening and just BE-ing in nature using mindfulness techniques revealed much pleasing ripples and vibrations in our core. Thanks to the assistance of Mother Naure. Buddhists call this anicca or “impermanence.”
We continue to move forward in our morning of mindfulness walking with no thought in mind except forward letting nature be our guide. 

At one point no realizing where we were as we got pretty deep into today’s practice but quickly regained our sense of location and carried on.  
We were greeted with more flowers along the path outreached as if they were arms just waiting for us to take notice.

“The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.”
– Jon Kabat-Zinn

These blue star shaped flowers are everywhere here. So simple yet so intricate. We found this flower to be exceptionally healing for us.  

It was quite easy for us to get lost in a timeless warp of presence surrounded by simple miracles of life. 

Today’s journey was magical and the rains early on amplified today’s experiences.

There are days where mindfulness training and experiences come easy and other days where more awareness to surrendering to awareness is needed. 

Today, our ability to remain present in full embodiment of mindfulness easily flowed like the recent rains running off the branches and onto the grounds either soaking into the ground or running like a river downstream.

We soaked in all that was and grateful for all that is.
Mourning dove as we prepared to conclude for the day
Finally, as we approached the conclusion of our Morning, we were greeted with a mourning dove. As soon as we acknowledged the presence and honored the gift, the mourning dove flew away.
(This we were able to capture during our morning since we were concluding for the day)

Mourning dove once acknowledged,  she flew off. 
I hope you enjoyed this brief pictorial of our experience this morning.

“Life is fragile, like the dew hanging delicately on the grass, crystal drops that will be carried away on the first morning breeze.” 
– Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

Remember, learning mindfulness does not mean to you have to quit something. It just means you find ways to incorporate mindfulness based practices into your daily life and routines like mindful driving or mindful eating or mindful cleaning or mindful breathing.  The list of applications can go on and on.
Each week we will investigate a new way to incorporate mindfulness into our daily lives that you can take with you.
If you would like to join us, please visit our website at for complete list of dates as this is seasonal and still in its pilot phase.

With love and appreciation, 

A Trauma Survivors Election Day Experience 2016 And How To Move Forward

WOW what a ride this week has been and since the election emotions have been quite high.  I have my own feelings that have come to light this week and I will share them with you shortly. This is a very sensitive subject matter especially for trauma survivors, and my only request is that you read this with an open heart and without judgement.

I am also an empath, so I feel intensely the energies around me and of those people around me whether person to person or virtually. As I write this, I am choosing to honor my own feelings and I am choosing to honor yours as well. 

Before I continue on my experiences after the election, let me share with you my experiences and thoughts on the day of the election and why I felt so paralyzed to vote.   One of my trauma coping mechanisms is journaling.  Here is what I wrote on the day of the election, November 8, 2016, and when I decided to publish it, I chose to keep it as is so you may experience my full experience.

Graphic by Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit

“I never realized how triggering and paralyzing today’s election was until today when it was time to cast a vote. The governmental abuse, disregard and metaphorical rape of women and children, the narcissistic sociopathic behaviors of our two primary candidates, the disregard for life not to mention threats and intimidation brings back flash backs of the horrors I endured attempting to leave and to protect my children from abuse only to have them legally trafficked by way of family court, and the more I fought trying to grasp at any straw to save them and myself, the more I was threatened and retaliated against and even went to jail.

There is no worse feeling in the world than drowning in a sea of trauma, abuse, lies, and deceit begging for someone to reach out to pull me and my children out only to be met with the mighty oar pushing you back under hoping you just die.

Today’s election and everything it stands for and against, has paralyzed my ability to vote bridging past abuse with political rhetoric that merged as if it became one reality especially when the deepest darkest shadows of America is cracked wide open.

Some of you may say, get over it and move on.

After all, it’s been almost 11 yrs since you left your abuser. My head and mind already know that. However, It’s my physical body trapped in fight or flight in its attempt to shield me and protect me from further trauma and abuse screaming inside begging when will it end. When will peace reign on earth, and I no longer have to maintain a fight or flight state which has severely taxed my adrenal glands?

It is extremely difficult to engage in exercising my right to vote especially when reports of bullying, insults, and intimidation are becoming the norm. This weekend I realized I still do “avoidance” tactics which is part of trauma response. Today, I realized how bad I still do it. 

The redtail hawk Laura saw on November 8, 2016

As I left my house this morning tearing myself apart for not practicing what I preached paralyzed in fear a redtail hawk swooped out of nowhere flying alongside my truck on Rockland Street until I hit the breaks and he flew to the top of the tree. i pulled over, exercised gratitude, and had a mini animal totem pow wow.The message I received was to take the pressure off myself and to focus on the long term picture not on the short term and to stop being so hard on myself. The hawk is showing me to trust and take flight. I may feel unsupported in the human realm, but to know I am supported in the divine realm.
I guess in one aspect the avoidance has allowed me to heal and move forward, but in another aspect when confronted, it is paralyzing. God help America.”

Photo & Quote by Laura Joseph
Healing With Spirit. All Rights Reserved

I had so much anxiety on the day of the election, it was overwhelming. I felt alone, as the trigger spiraled.  I pulled every tool I knew to cope including meditation, reiki, journaling, crystal, vibrational healing via tibetan medicine singing bowls, walks and communing in nature, and  non attachment

When I saw the redtail hawk, I knew it was a sign. Signs from above have been very prominent for me in my healing journey since I had lost faith and trust in humanity. Connecting  with the divine was my lifeline.

Redtail hawks have been a great message bearer for me over the years. They adapt to life well even amongst the human race and are a great service to humanity. The human race has drifted so far away from source, we miss the magic they offer. I was grateful for my divine team and angels for this message.

As I maintained a ping pong match of emotions that day, I decided to go for a walk and was greeted with three crows with a mourning dove perched just above. I smiled and moved forward, and my anxiety began to wane, but not enough to head to the polls and vote. You see for me it was not the idea of voting that was the trigger for me. It was the idea of dealing with something with what I perceived as a corrupt, abusive government and even though in my head, I knew not to fear, my body kept tying to trick me otherwise.

From a spiritual sense, crow is another very powerful message bearer, keeper of the universal sacred laws, and represent magic. They are the harbinger of change in all areas of life; physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. They can aid us in moving between realms of the spirit world and physical life. Crow was a wonderful reminder to create and manifest what I seek. The fact there were three, reminds me how divinely support I am and focuses my attention to my ability to communicate more effectively. Crow announces a newness on the horizon. Are you aware of the nuances in life? Are you listening to signs around you? Crow can give strength and show you how to maneuver in intuitions and insights.

When I saw the mourning dove above the crows, I smiled as it was the solidifier for me in the message. Traditionally, doves are a messenger of peace, love, joy and gentleness, prophecy of good things, maternity instincts, as well as an awakening to promise of future with clarity. In this case, dove was helping me understand my emotions better, and letting me know that hope and peace will come. 

When I woke up on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, I was and was not shocked at the results. I was not shocked, because, I had predicted early spring of Hillary Clinton’s downfall. I however, was fearful of a Trump Presidency and was hoping for a different, maybe more Utopian result. 

I have over come so much in my life. I have chosen to do my best to never judge those who voted a certain way because it is a constitutional right. I choose to not let those choices break up my “tribe”.  

Although, I thought I was much further along in my healing, I am taking a pause. I am holding space and trying to not feed the fear. Instead, I am choosing to allow to feel these emotions. I am allowing to feel the fear. I am talking to the inner child within, who clearly is still wounded, and asking her what will it take to feel safe again so the fear can be released for good this time.

I am BEing mindful how I unleash my emotions on my friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. We all have a choice. If we want change, we must go within first. 

In the end we are all one. Fear begets more fear. Hate begets more hate. Only love can conquer hate and fear. Only love can create peace.
The veil is thin right now. Many truths are being revealed. Our own shadows are surfacing. We’ve been feeling it rise like a cauldron of a volcano for quite a while.

All the answers we seek lie within. So please let’s pause and be mindful of our thoughts, words, posts, actions.

Here’s a quote I love that resonates, and I changed it to create action: “I surrender to what is. I let go of what was and I have faith in what will be.”

Today, I choose to step into the light and BE the beacon.

It’s time we get centered. Breathe … Bring back our power … breathe … feel compassion … breathe …
And breath in Love … breathe … and breathe out fear.

Together let’s radiate love and let it transmute any misqualified energies.

Together, we not only help ourselves, but our brothers and sisters, our fellow struggling American, the rest of the world, Mother Earth etc.

I honor and appreciate each of you.

Let’s create the greatest most contagious virus of Love. Change begins with us. That change is internal.

Here are a few related links for more information

I am here to help.

With Love and appreciation,

Spiritual Medium, Public Speaker, and Teacher
Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Jikiden Reiki Shihan

To schedule a private reading, to book a private party, or speaking engagement,  please visit
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(c) 2016 All rights reserved. Laura Healing With Spirit. May not be copied or reproduced without expressed written consent

Reflections as We Close Out 2015 – 5 Lessons 2015 Taught Me

The past few days I have been reflecting a lot of what 2015 has meant to me and to those I have served. It has sure proven itself to be one giant roller coaster ride. Wouldn’t you agree? I would love to hear from you what your experiences have been, and what you discovered and learned about yourself

If you read my previous posts, you will see an emerging theme which is about soul. We thought the year 2014 was a grand year for purging and letting go for what no longer serves us, but 2015 was sure a doozy.

Depending on how you choose to see 2015, it was a year of many things:

  • a year of manifestation
  • a climax of purging and letting go.
  • a year for realization of what truly matters
  • a year for rediscovery of self
  • and a year for partnership with soul.

The hardest part for so many I have found this year, is learning to let go of control and trust that your soul has your back. Life for me has not always been easy, and I had my share of dark days. Some of you may know my story, but many do not. That’s ok.

What has helped me through my darkest of days is trusting in the divine … trusting in my soul … trusting my spirit team. I also learned your head and heart will steer you wrong because of ego. However, your gut … your seat of your soul … will never steer you wrong.

I like many of you have been raised in a society that dictates how you should be, dress, act, do. We live in a society that says you are a good person if you do this or that or if you work this job and live in that neighborhood who graduated with this degree then you are a good person. The more I tried to conform to what society dictates to me, the more I became ill and unfulfilled which almost took my life.

However, my guardian angels and spirit team had different plans for me. So over the years, I learned to let go of what was and a perception of a life I thought I had. I slowly surrendered to Spirit over a period of 10+ years letting the Universe guide me. I spent years healing from my traumas learning to nurture the child within and partner with soul. I am like a masterpiece painting that is still in progress.

So back to what this year has taught me …

In order to get from one place to another, you must build a solid foundation. Right now, I feel that I want to keep insuring the foundation I rebuilt this year is strong enough and sturdy after all I went through in my personal life for a grand 2016. However, thanks to the partnership with the divine and my soul, I receive daily confirmations that I am on the right track.

Laura’s favorite vintage store with
lots of Buddha love.

This has been a big year for manifesting. There is the old saying “Be careful what you wish for, because you just might actually get it”.

For some using tools of faith, trust, and positivity, the manifesting yielded many wonderful things and confirmations.

For others who are still stuck in worry, fear, and anxiety, unfortunately, here the manifesting was of more fear, worry, and anxiety. It was almost like you were looking for the gotcha, so the Universe gave it to you.

For me, I have suffered lots of trauma in my personal life and have been in both of those places this year. It is something I have come to terms with over the years, because my soul chose this path for me to learn something that will help my soul ascend.

So, for those stuck in fear or worry mode, I hear you. I can not tell you the days and nights I have spent crying, begging, and pleading for things to change and for help on my faith which dwindled not recognizing the connection between what I was trying to move forward from and my fears actually manifesting over and over.

Laura’s training and certification in
Jikiden Reiki with Arjava Petter

So, we learned another lesson for 2015 which came to a climax of purging and letting go. Many of us, we experienced waves of physical and emotional purges this year. Some were so strong it made us very sick. Resistance to change has proven to be futile for many who chose the path of ego. What I learned was to go with the ebbs and flows of the Universe instead of letting ego rule trying to control things that were not in my capacity to control.

This also means, I learned to listen with the body more, and recognizing that if I was having a bout of exhaustion or emotions, and the medical teams are not able to figure out the cause, then I was experiencing a purge. Some purges did require surgery. But learning the spiritual connection and healing, I was able to minimize recovery time and with no pain medications.
Unfortunately, we are also experiencing a wave of great transitions. For some these transitions were timely for their soul growth. It was just their time to ascend and no other reason.  For some (not all) such as those faced with addictions, my theory is this. I believe especially our youth, were born with such a high frequency and sensitivity that their human self was not able to adjust. It was just too difficult. For others, especially healers forget to self nurture and self care. Martyrdom has proven to lead to a path of dis-ease.
What I have also seen this year in regards to letting go are the links to karmic cords. I have seen this pattern all year, but especially gaining momentum later this year. Many of us have been called to not only heal and let go things in this lifetime, but in previous lifetimes. I have witnessed one person in particular heal at least three lifetimes this year alone and the year is not over yet.
Laura finds her best place to find
peace and meditate is connecting
with nature.
You have to remember all this letting go is about creating a platform for the new. This brings me to the next lesson – a realization of what truly matters.
Does it matter for instance, that you’re driving a 10 year old car and your neighbor is driving a brand new Mercedes? At the end of the day, it does not matter.
I use to drive an Audi, and I even brought a brand new minivan. Today, I could care less. I do not want the computer generated car that could crash like my computer. I do not want the high insurance bill or higher taxes associated with it either. The car is just one analogy, and I am not saying there is not a need to balance out material with the spiritual either.
How would you live your life, if you did work so hard to pay for THINGS that really and truly do not matter at the end of the day?
No better sounds to meditate to
and connect to soul and spirit than
sitting on the quiet beach with the
crashing waves and smells of the ocean
Once we have separated our ego self from our soulful self, we began the next lesson – the rediscovery of self. For some of us, we had some very painful lessons and purges. Some of us lost our families and everything that was material literally. At the time, this may have felt or may still feel quite devastating, but when we can shift our perspective and learn to communicate with our higher self, we can see the world from a whole new perspective. We can not add new experiences if our hands are full with the old.  Sometimes, if we are quite resistant to change, the Universe forces a hand.
Let’s look at cleaning and/or organizing a home. If you are someone like me, you can feel quite overwhelmed easily when there is chaos and disorganization. You may have feelings like you have no idea where to begin and thus leading to procrastination and clutter. For those of us who have experienced this, how would it feel if you had someone else come in and organize and clean for you? You may have moments of resistance to “things”, but focus on the end result and how that would feel. Can you feel the ahhhhhhhhhhh?
A young male buck Laura saw this
fall with a subsequent message
from spirit

If your mind, body, and soul are your home, and the Universe cleaned up for you, then why do we see it as a traumatic experience? This is just a question and there is no wrong answer to this one. It is just food for thought and a shift of perspective is all. As human beings, we develop attachments to people, places and things.

Trauma can be a big road block. I have had my share of trying to personally overcome my blocks as a result of past traumas. There was a moment in my life where I sought help and protections from the very agencies that were designed to help people like me many many years ago where I felt betrayed and left out in the cold.
If I could not trust people, our government, our faith based organizations, our nonprofit agencies to help us, then who do we trust?
When we can learn to detach from some of this “stuff”, it becomes easier to focus on what really matters, which leads me to the next lesson this year – for partnership with soul. When I could trust no one, I then began learning to trust the divine, communicate with the divine more efficiently and effectively, and built a stronger relationship with my soul.
The heart Laura saw on
Thanksgiving Day

So, my spirit team and I designed a communication tool where they let me know through signs and messages through nature to remind me I am on the right path and to keep moving forward.

I have received many signs from hearts to birds to deer and other shapes in the sky. If you scroll through this blog you will see all the writings about my journey this year alone.

The heart as seen here was one of three given to me on Thanksgiving day as I stepped outside for a moment to walk my dog before people arrived at my home. This heart was at the bottom of my steps to my front door and it was one of three hearts seen that day. The other 2 were seen during the bonfire I attended that evening where we gathered a group for some drumming giving thanks to the town, the people, mother earth, the moon, and spirit.
It was a sure message that we are never alone. Our loved ones in spirit and our spirit team is always with us. It is just a matter of whether or not we are listening.
Some of the turkeys Laura has
had the privilege of  watching and
learning from in 2015
The flock of 5 turkeys and many more, as seen here, have been frequent guests this year too. I have watched them grow up from hatchlings to young adults. They have served as a great reminder of where I’m going and to let go of fear. Even though I KNOW to trust in the divine, my soul, and my spirit team, my ego still likes to throw out temptations to fear and all that I am letting go.
Recently, they gave me a blessing knowing it’s safe to trust and tools to know difference. Nature is such a beautiful aid in our path if we just slow down a moment and learn to reconnect again.
I recently watched one of the juvenile turkeys go round and round and round this mirror outside my home for over 45 minutes.  I chuckled at the behavior as the other four were eating the fallen bird seed from the feeder wondering what the message he was trying to make and then I heard it from Spirit.


The jouvenile that captured
Laura’s attention. for 45 min

#messagefromspirit: “Face your shadow self so your true self may emerge.

So many of us are resisting the path of soul. I can relate to the message from the turkey, but I am now further in my path partnering with soul. I can assure you it may seem scary because of what society dictates to us on how to be, but it is so worth it. One day I will share my full story with you in hopes to help someone else along their path.
To those who are having a difficult time being grateful or seeing the light, please hold on and have faith. Trust that your soul has your back if nothing else.
The crystalized light is extraordinary
Hope you see it.
I see your light. Believe it.
May it shine brightly and shatter the looming darkness around you.
May your light give you clarity.

May your light give you strength.
2016 is going to be a magnificent year. It is all about how you choose to perceive your world and where you are currently at in your spiritual development partnering with soul and living a more soulful path.

It is crucial more than ever to develop a partnership with your soul – the ultimate love affair that lasts for an eternity. Your soul is your guide and can help you attune and navigate the ever changing waves of energy.

An important message my spirit team
shared with me and I shared with you

We are all one. We are all being called to unite as one for the betterment of all life.  We can change the world and make it a better place, but it all starts with finding peace within and to stop the raging wars that reside within self.

Thank you all for your love, support, and for being a part of my spiritual journey.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It’s a new day.  We can make today what we choose it to be. So why not choose to have a great day.

I appreciate you.

Laura  Healing With Spirit,

Healing With Spirit 

Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.


Seven Steps to Learning to Trust and Following Your Spiritual Path

The Universe has been busy trying to show us the way back to our soulful path and live a more authentic life. Some of us get it and have been working at following it. Others may feel lost and not sure what is going on.

I would like you to take a moment right now.


Take a deep breath and answer the following questions.

How is your emotional plane today? How are you surfing these latest emotional waves?

Those who have been around me, have been hearing me say quite frequently like a skipping record to “trust … your soul has got your back”.

We are all experiencing changes. Some of us are experiencing changes that are easier than others. However, none of us are immune. This is just a simple reminder to follow your soulful path, and to know your soul has got your back.

Here is a thought to ponder for the day:

“What am I attracting into my life? What vibrations and frequencies am I sending out?”

You can not control what others do, and sometimes you can not control certain situations and circumstances, but you can control your reaction to them.

If you are looking for solutions to your current situation, circumstance, or road block, the answers you seek lie within.

If you are thinking,
“But I pray and ask, but I never get anything?”, you may be doing one of the following:

  • You may not be listening to the signs and answers sent to you from the Universe
  • You may be resisting the changes needed in your life to help you live a more authentic or soulful life.
  • You may be trying too hard, blocking the flow of information and energy to you like a tourniquet cutting off blood supply to your spirit.

As a society we are bombarded with technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality with very little time to attend to the needs of the self leaving many feeling like:

  • We do not know who we are
  • Why we are here
  • What did we come here to do in this lifetime or
  • What we like without fear of what society thinks or caving to the pressures to the demands of society.
 I was recently talking about my trip to Africa, and what I learned about the impact of these types of energies being completely unplugged for approximately 30 days. When I returned, I was shocked to learn I became more heightened to the sensitivities of all these electrical stimuli. I began hearing simple buzzing of the tv and appliances that were plugged in, yet were turned off.
I was completely astounded by this experience and wanted to learn more about the impacts to the human body.  So over the years, I learned more about the physiology of the human body as well as paid attention to the many scientific studies regarding electrical impulses on the body.
First and foremost, we must realize that the human body generates its own electrical currents. Without the ability to generate electricity, we would be dead.  As soon as we can realize this, we can begin to learn to unplug once again, and restore our bodies to the natural state of homeostasis.  This is the beginning to opening the self to understanding the relationship you have with your soul and how all the “junk” in our lives blocks us from following our soulful path.

Here are seven simple steps to learning to trust in your spiritual path and letting your soul guide you.

Unplug. This is simple. Unplug from technology, microwaves, artificial electrical waves, external stimulus, distractions, and a go go go mentality. Knowing this and actually implementing this simple change are two separate issues and maybe difficult for some to do due to habits and lifestyles.

My thought to you:
You may never know how good you could have it, if you never do this and see what happens.

This does take time and patience as this is a lifestyle change.

Partner with your soul. – This means you need to learn to become your soul’s best friend. Talk to your soul as if you would your best friend. Discover your soul’s likes and dislikes. Discover why you are here and let your soul help you in your daily life. If you are saying to me, how do I do this?, the answer is by quieting the mind and learning at attune to the energies within and listening.

Create affirmations and mantras.  Here is an affirmation to help you through the day:  Today, I am letting my emotions surf the waves with uttermost confidence knowing my soul has got my back.

Let go resistance to change. Resistance is fear based. The two strongest emotions are fear and love, and they can not coexist. We must realize that what our soul wants and the Universe is stronger than what we want, which by the way is ego based. By learning to surrender ego and resistance, you release that tourniquet and open the flow of energies. When these energies are opened, anything is possible. The choice is yours and this is where free will steps in.

For me, it’s about learning to let go, and trusting in the process. Be mindful of your choices and reactions. That’s part of the lesson. How we react to people, …situations, and things can dictate which path you travel down.

Ride the waves of energetic changes with confidence and poise.  If you have noticed over the past year, those who have fought hard resisting changes, are the ones with the most difficult lessons. Those who rode the waves, stayed present, and embraced whatever changes came their way, had much smoother transitions.

Trust in your path.  This is especially evident with those struggling with faith and trust. Here you are asked to trust and have faith in the divine. I hear a lot of people say to me, “But I am all alone and it is difficult”. My answer to you is “You are never alone. You are always loved and surrounded by the divine. You just have to quiet the mind long enough to feel it, see it, and hear it.”

Practice daily awareness and mindfulness. This means, pay attention to your thoughts, vibrations, and actions. These all create ripples. Are you creating positive ripples or negative ones? Please visit my post on the ripple effect on how to create the ripples you desire in your life.

The Universe is reminding has been reminding us, like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz,  we’ve had the power all along.

We have been tested. Many spirits have been broken. BUT now, we learn that what we are truly seeking lies within us.

All the answers to your prayers … All the healing to you ailments … All the peace, joy, happiness … All the abundance you desire … All lie within.

This is a lesson about going within and learning to shift. You just need to get out of your own way and partner with your higher self and the Universe.  Success is closer than you think.

Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain?

Much of what I share with you comes from Spirit as part of my own personal spiritual journey, healing and growth. I share because I know I’m not alone. I share because I know somewhere someone else can benefit. I share because it helps me in my spiritual development…. For that I thank you. We are all in this together. …

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 
Spiritual MediumSpeakerHealer

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.