July, 4, 2019
Today I honor my voice while contemplating what it means to be truly FREE especially as a woman who was silenced at one point for using her voice in attempts to protect 20 families the system failed to protect victims from abuse.
I attempted to help one victim who was incarcerated at Framingham State Penn who was currently serving 7 months in prison. Why was she there? What was her crime? She was unemployed at peak of recession and could not pay a court ordered legal bill. Yup. Heard that right. Rapists and pedophiles get less prison time. (Not one of 20 cases btw)
I had another case with medically documented child sex abuse by 2 doctors and 2 therapists. I saw the evaluations. I saw the very disturbing pictures this little 7yo boy drew. Judge response? Threatened mother on record that if he ever finds out she is lying, she’ll never see her son again and granted joint legal and physical custody to the rapist.
It cost my my relationship with my own three children who were legally trafficked by way of family courts as punishment for trying to save lives here in Massachusetts.
My children will have no memory of me in their childhood in most crucial moments in their developmental brains aka developmental trauma CAUSED by the MA Family Courts.
That loving mother/daughter(s) bond was STOLEN from us because I thought I was doing what I thought was right to save lives entitled to be FREE from harm under U.S. Constitution.
My children have been Stockholmed, abused, traded as a commodity, sold, and will live with the effects of abuse and developmental trauma that I couldn’t save them from. There is no reparations for damage done. How can there be?
Today, I am wiser & much less naive. I use my voice differently and not so much on the front lines anymore.
Is that not truly using my voice fully? Is that cowardly? Is that still a form of censorship?
Are we ever truly FREE?
What does freedom mean to you?
Do you choose fear or love?
Along we are strong. Together, we are sooooo much stronger.
Speak out.
Rise up.
What’s happening at the southern border of the U.S.A. is ALSO happening to 58,000 U.S. children too EVERY YEAR.
Don’t you see the patterns here?
Are we truly FREE?
Happy 4th of July .

With appreciation,
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