What a week it has been. Emotions seems to have gone to extremes this week. Would you agree? There is no coincidences in life … just synchronicities. This redtail hawk seen above was a wonderful confirmation of where we are and how to move forward.
We are all in expansion right now. However, somehow for some reason some of us are fighting it even though we are telling ourselves we are not. It’s time to go deep within and release whatever is holding us back. Hopefully this tip for today will help.
“Let go of your fears. Fear can be a very debilitating emotion if you let it control your life. Exchange your fear for faith and courage, and pass right through it. With faith all things are possible. With courage, you act upon that faith. The only thing preventing you from achieving what you want is your fear. So just for today, stare at fear right in the face. Stand firmly on your ground. Allow your inner core gain strength and empowerment. Then with faith and courage keeping walking and allow the fear to pass behind you. Now take a deep breath and just do it! Then repeat it again tomorrow. You will be glad you did. Have a blessed day.” ~ Laura, Healing With Spirit
Today’s message culminates all the previous messages this week especially in regards to “how” or not seeing what’s blocking you form moving forward the way you would like.
Basically, the Universe is reminding you once again, like Dorothy in Wizard of Oz, you’ve had the power all along.
Right now you are being asked to reach deep within and up your own in your inner reserve. Take a deep breathe. Quiet the mind and rise or lift above the emotional level that has been wreaking havoc in your life lately … Although all this snow in New England has tested everyone’s emotions lately.
While calming the mind, you get clarity. While here, try to separate from any turmoil that you may find disruptive … I know the snow isn’t going away. So it is a matter of shifting perspective in this case.
After you do this, take some mental notes. Observe what is happening around you. Don’t partake especially if you sense any kind of opposition or hostility. Just become the observer.
This is a lesson about going within and learning to shift. You can take another approach to whatever has been resistant and still achieve your purpose. Hence the term, think outside the box. Success is closer than you think. You just need to get out of your own way and partner with your higher self and the Universe. Try it. What do you have to lose? What do you have to gain? Have a blessed day.
With lots of love and appreciation,
Healing With Spirit
Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
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