What is Up Energetically in July?

What to Focus on + Full Day Immersion Offerings

Wowza there has been some serious energies over the past month huh? – a pull in extremes, a test, an upleveling, a breaking point where many are saying “enough” wondering when there will be space to breathe.

As I sit and reflect on these energies, I am increasingly noticing the repeating themes of duality playing out simultaneously. It started when I was in Ireland leading a pilgrimage a couple months ago where we got to witness this aspect of duality scream loud and clear the entire time we were there.

Being a Pisces and a multigenerational, multidisciplinary healer and intuitive, I feel these dualistic energies very deeply. It can feel scary at times where fear or grief can get the best of us, but also know these energies are perfectly aligned to be calling in

  • more introspection
  • a deeper spiritual exploration
  • clarity around communication
  • space to reassess personal goals
  • a more targeted personal growth
  • emotional renewal
  • more enriching self-care practices

I’m no astrologer, but I do understand energy, space weather, cosmic energies and how it impacts us as humans in our lives and health. It has been something I have addressed and worked on how to navigate personally and professionally for nearly the last 20+ years.

Copyright 2018 Laura Bonetzky Joseph

This month, July 2024, is aligned perfectly to create that nurturing environment we’ve been desiring while also addressing our deep-seated emotional wounds that maybe have been stuffed away, medicated away, bypassed, or love and lighted away yet linger still waiting for the emotional energies to be moved, healed and released.

Some of this is NOT from this life.

Much of what I am witnessing this year at increasing intervals is the multi-layers of this life, generational stuff, and past lives all weaving and surfacing simultaneously, and it is a key factor that is stumping western medicine these days. This is because it is spiritual affecting the physical, mental and emotional bodies and the primary way to address it is in the spiritual.

We are at a very profound time in history for evolutionary change personally and collectively.

(Stay tuned for our upcoming Triggers and Spiritual Medicine podcast episodes on the psychic, numerology, and astrology on what is happening politically in regard to the upcoming election)

The energies are prime for each of us to see beyond the physical stories and veil and go deeper in the ancestral realms flowing in our veins to reclaim aspects of our self that has been lost, forgotten, or stolen by systems of oppression or religious indoctrination.

copyright 2019 Laura Joseph, Healing With Spirit

The energetic roots for some of us that go back lifetimes of thousands of years are surfacing to the present not to make our lives miserable but to break the harmful patterns of humanity.

Humans have a cruel history since the patriarchy rose up against the goddess in a power control dynamic without regard to stewardship to the whole or balance to all life on Earth.

It is time to change this narrative, turn our triggers into a power, reclaim our sovereignty, and remember the ways of the healed and whole ancestors to restore balance and stewardship to all life on Earth.

This is our time.

Our time to break free from traditional toxic cultural colonizer norms and rise up for progressive changes, particularly in self-worth, sovereignty, and societal structures that help the planet as a whole and restores balance.

Copyright 2023 Healing With Spirit, Laura Bonetzky Joseph

But we must first calm the stress, chatter in the egoic mind, and rising anxieties and spend this month of July for more TARGETED SELF-CARE and inner work – to go deeper as stated above before we will know HOW to move forward and what actions to take.

Based on current energies, if we give ourselves permission to take on this task over the next three weeks, and learn to master the alignment of energetic flow, we will be setting ourselves up in a strong, powerful, centered way. So, when we face the next energetic waves of contrast projected in August, September, November, and part of December, we will be in a much stronger position moving into 2025.

It is time we remember the ways of the ancestors.

The ways of community and stewardship versus hyper-individualism and self-entitlements.

The ways of alignment with the spiritual world and our great Mother as they are one.

The current energetic climate is encouraging us to

  • have faith that our soul knows better than us
  • to align with the ancestors
  • to have our courage be stronger than our fears
  • and to take action.

This is not a time of inaction. Action is required NOW. It starts with us.

Copyright 2018 Healing With Spirit, Laura Bonetzky Joseph

Everything starts with us, and it starts with us going inside and

  • really nurturing our inner child,
  • going into deep inquiry,
  • UNpacking cultural, religious, societal conditioning, aligning with our soul, ancestors, and the Universe,
  • and administering self-care that does NOT bypass the inner work or is used a distraction to avoid facing the hard stuff. The hard stuff will get harder till we face it. This is what we are called to face.

This is NOT an external job, but an internal one and the internal affects the external in ways that defy logic.

I am here to be your guide.

To hold space and help teach you how to steer your own boat from a place of power and trust.

Copyright 2024 Healing With Spirit, Laura Bonetzky Joseph, Adam Kaczmarek Photography

Special July Offering:
1:1 Half Day or Full Day Immersions

I am excited to be offering more half day and full day private customized healing and/or spiritual guidance immersion sessions to help you in your path, and address whatever you need to address, heal, grow from.

These have been a growing part of my practice and I love witnessing the benefits others receive from them.

Who is this for?

  • folks seeking a day like a personal solo retreat to replenish themselves and charge up their inner batteries
  • folks who need a more intensive immersive session to address a particular or deeper issue
  • folks who may not be local and need to travel and want to maximize impact
  • folks who are seeking to put aside a day to do deep intensive immersive personal healing, spiritual, or inner work

If you are seeking any of these, then these immersions are primed for YOU.

What is an Immersion?

Think of this as a splash of a personal private retreat mixed with flairs of pilgrimage into the self. It really depends on what you are seeking.

This offering is a customized blend based on your desires – integrative therapies, healing, spiritual coaching – to meet you where you are at & elevate you to be your own superhero. We will explore, address root issues, transform pain, & grow. We bridge science, research, and the practical magic of sacred, ancient traditions … with honor and integrity.

Laura is a seasoned experienced facilitator with nearly 20 years working professionally as a multigenerational multidisciplinary healer and intuitive who understands how to weave the many disciplines I offer to address root issues and help you get the targeted breakthrough you are seeking.

So whether you just want to go into the woods for the day and learn how to commune with trees and the spirits of the land or you want to bliss out in front of a gong or you want deeper work, these immersions are customized for your desires and needs. I am here to serve and guide.

If you are still reading this, there must be a reason. Please consider giving yourself this gift of self-care. The level of opportunity to take advantage of this this month with the current energetic alignment is rare.

Where Are These Offered?

Half day immersions are located in or around the vicinity of Healing with Spirit in Hingham, MA

Full Day immersions (Lunch & snacks included) can be located at

  • Healing With Spirit in Hingham, MA,
  • your location (depending on needs as some things might require my office),
  • and can be blend outdoor activity in nature with indoor to meet your needs.

 WHY Invest? Benefits Include

There are so many reasons to invest in something like a half day or full day immersions especially NOW with the current energetic climate such as

  1. Deep Customized Personal Focus: The extended time allows for a comprehensive and personalized approach to address specific issues, providing a tailored experience that might not be possible in shorter sessions. These sessions are customized to meet you and your needs which are discussed ahead of time.
  1. A Deeper Healing Process: This allows for a more in-depth exploration of physical, emotional, and mental health, enabling a holistic and spiritual healing process that can tackle underlying causes of issues rather than just symptoms.
  1. copyright 2018 Healing With Spirit Laura Bonetzky Joseph

    Stress Relief: Spending a whole day focused on self-care and healing can significantly reduce stress and provide a much-needed break from daily routines and pressures. In doing so, the nervous system can be rebooted in a way that has a lasting effect and the recipient has learned ways to address stress in the future as it arises. This is important to note, because how stress shows up in the body and how we cope is different for everyone. Everything we do is customized to meet your needs.

  1. Intensive Therapeutics: Blending a variety of spiritual based integrative therapies that are customized to you, offers the opportunity to combine multiple therapeutic techniques, such as ancestral healing, meditation, mindfulness, gong bath, spiritual guidance, vibrational healing, reclamation work, energy work, communing with the ancestors and nature spirits, rituals and ceremony for a more comprehensive healing experience.
  1. Transformation: The level of time dedicated in such a concentrated customized way can facilitate a deeper and more transformative experience, leading to lasting changes and profound insights while also giving you concrete tools and skills that will carry you forward.
  1. Personalized Attention: The one-on-one nature ensures that we can give our undivided attention to the recipient in a nurturing soul-filling customized way, which can enhance the effectiveness and impact of the experience.
  1. Enhanced Relaxation: Immersive healing sessions can provide a sense of retreat and relaxation, creating an environment conducive to profound healing and rejuvenation.

These benefits make full day private healing immersion attractive to those seeking significant and comprehensive improvements in their well-being.