Slam The Gravel Podcast: Fix The System Inside Out

Slam the Gavel welcomes Laura Bonetzky-Joseph to the podcast of Healing With Spirit and Healing Trauma Through Spirit.

In this episode I talk about
  • my domestic violence journey,
  • how I lost my virginity to a rapist at 15 years old
  • my journey through family court sanctioned abuse after I left my abuser
  • the unlawful incarceration by a Massachusetts family court judge who denied my right to a lawyer & tried to prevent medical care & attention to me
  • what I’ve seen change in the near 20 years I’ve been embedded in this systemic oppression
  • why understanding and learning about systemic racism and for us white folks to listen to BIPOC folks as well as Palestinian voices and how it is all interconnected … this is crucial, especially for white women…
  • my abuse advocacy work,
  • my work as a T.R.A C. coalition member on DV legislation & policy in MA
  • my work helping survivors of family court abuse
  • my books & podcast and what they are about
  • Healing root issues
  • and what survivors need to focus on while in the fight for survival in the family courts.
and more.



Laura is a book author, podcaster, survivor and advocate. She is also a multigenerational intuitive and business owner of Healing With Spirit and is a member of Track Coalition in Massachusetts.

Since 2006, Laura has helped thousands of people take back their health and power by addressing and healing root issues. She is an experienced multi-generational healer & intuitive, crone witch, best-selling author, speaker, award-winning advocate, spiritual teacher, sacred activist, and survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault.

She’s apprenticed with an Osteopathic Physician for more than 20 years learning holistic health and preventative care and has also studied with teachers and lineage holders based in Japan, Canada and Greece.

Her clients are diverse and inclusive from various ethnic cultures, skin color, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and socio-economic backgrounds.

In 2022, Laura published two books. She’s the co-author of “Feisty: Dangerously Amazing Women Using Their Voices to Make an Impact”. Her chapter, “#MeTooFamilyCourts”, highlights what it takes to leave a domestic violence relationship in a broken system that punishes you.

Her first solo book published in October 2022, “The Secrets To Healing: An Invitation To Healing Trauma And Other Root Causes of Chronic Illness Using the Japanese Reiki Gokai” weaves her personal story, her work, the science, and the teachings with nine client case studies.

Her books can be found on Amazon.

Laura currently sits on the Massachusetts domestic violence task force addressing legislation and policy for survivors of abuse. Also, Laura brings an authentic unique view with a unique talent and skill sets uncommon today.

“Triggers and Spiritual Medicine,” Laura’s podcast, can be found on YouTube, her website, and most podcast streaming platforms.

To Reach Laura Bonetzky-Joseph:  Linktree Link:

About Slam The Gravel:

Slam the Gavel is a podcast to discuss Family Court Issues, Support Court, Support-contempt conferences and hearings and Child Services issues. Advice on how parents can cope with these issues along with Parental Alienation. Based off the book, Dismantling Family Court Corruption, Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough. This book can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Apple and Podcast music provided by

Could you please sign and share the petition:… This episode of Slam the Gavel is sponsored by CPSprotect Consulting Services. Child Protective Services cases are among the most frightening experiences any parent can endure- don’t face them alone! With UrgentAssist by CPSprotect, you get the peace of mind to raise your children as you see fit and the personalized assistance of their team of expert child welfare consultants- former CPS investigators themselves- right when you need it. Get started absolutely free at

DISCLAIMER The use of this information is at the viewer/user’s own risk. Not financial, medical nor legal advice as the content on this podcast does not constitute legal, financial, medical or any other professional advice. Viewer/user’s should consult with the relevant professionals for specific advice related to their own situation.

Feisty: Amazingly Dangerous Women Using Their Voices To Make An Impact

How to Shine Without Shame in a World That Wants to Silence You

If you’re ready to rewrite all the rules and start thriving, just as you are, then Feisty is a must-read!

WARNING: This book is not for everybody. Well-behaved women rarely make history, so, check your good-girl card at the door. There is something even better waiting on the other side, if you dare venture.

Stories to inspire you to new heights of bravery, new depths of vulnerability, and new dimensions of femininity.

What does it mean to be feisty?

This collection of true tales of resistance and persistence in the face of historical oppression from cycle-breaking writers of all walks of life will defy your expectations, validate your experiences, and rally your inner warrior-woman.

Not only that, this book also teaches you how to:

  • Identify and share your own feisty flickers and acts of brave badassery
  • Release the “shoulds” and embrace your true desires
  • Heal from shame and trauma
  • Accept and embrace your authentic self
  • Find hope and resilience in any situation

Click here to get your copy

My story is finally being published as a chapter in THIS NEW inspirational powerful collaborative book of powerful stories of women from all over the world.

The Title of My Chapter:

“#MeTooFamilyCourts: Reality Is Stranger Than Fiction”

In this chapter, I shared my story of what it’s like to leave a domestic violence relationship only to have the abuse escalate AFTER I left spending the next 16 years vying for my freedom from abuse.

I share how I was incarcerated WITHOUT being charged or convicted of any crime while also being DENIED my right to a lawyer to represent me.

I share my journey, struggles and recovery that led to where I am today and the work I do today professionally as a result.

I’m not gonna lie or sugarcoat this.

I am scared.

I am frightened.

I am anxious.

… BECAUSE my fears of retaliation are REAL …  cuz they happened before as I write about in this chapter (which was very triggering yet empowering for me at the same time).

As of this past fall 2021, the escalation of my abusive ex to use the courts to harass, control and abuse with impunity have once again escalated making me wonder if I will ever be free. I am praying this new judge is able to see it for what it is and finally puts an end to all the abuse and grants my freedom.

Why I Wrote This Chapter

I was asked to contribute to this amazing international collaborative book of powerful women with incredible stories.

This chapter started out as a way to share my story and the trauma I endured, how I moved forward, how I became empowered, how I wanted to use my story to inspire other survivors of abuse to NEVER GIVE UP. This was to be a lead in for the upcoming book I have been writing for almost 10 years now on healing the roots to chronic illness and trauma through a Japanese healing system.

I wanted to share one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life that the father of my children wanted to perpetuate repeated and relentless harm in hope to kill me while keeping his hands clean (as one police chief told me once) in hopes it helps someone else who might feel stuck, hopeless, disempowered by a broken system that may have failed them too.

The allowance of court abuse on survivors over 10 years AFTER leaving the abusive marriage ultimately led to my diagnosis of complex post-traumatic stress disorder that led to a host of physical health issues.

I intended this story to be shared in hopes someday, my children will know what I have had to go through to escape domestic violence in hopes to protect them (and failed) and that I NEVER gave up on them despite the maternal deprivation and trauma bonding they fell prey to.

However, after the actions taken by my abusive ex this past fall to resume his patterns of abuse in the court system, this chapter has become my plea for justice and freedom from abuse while offering FIVE tips on how to support survivors so we may break the cycles of unrecognized unhealed unresolved trauma that is plaguing humanity in a grand scale.

Please consider supporting THIS BOOK.

  • Support my story… Support my freedom by purchasing this book.
  • Support ALL survivors’ rights to be free from abuse by purchasing this book.
  • Support all the amazing women from all over the world I’ve had the privilege to share space within this book.

Thank you to Sierra of Red Thread Publishing for your vision to bring these
#Feisty stories to publication.


Click here to get your copy of FEISTY


The courage to solidify my publishing team, complete the edits & publish my FIRST solo book despite all the threats I’m currently faced with. Projected release is slated for Spring 2022.

This book is about my story of healing the broken me, the prevalence of unaddressed, unhealed, unresolved trauma, and what to do about it, what is Jikiden Reiki, how can it help heal chronic illness, pain and trauma.

What is shared in this book is worth the weight in gold to anyone struggling to heal or for reiki practitioners and/or teachers wanting a more trauma informed approach to their practice and teachings.