May 16, 2018
Materials for Sunday’s “Surrender to Self Care, Journey into Self Discovery and Nurture Your Soul” women’s retreat is coming together nicely. . . Been a productive bee since I returned from Seattle putting together the final touches while in between clients. .. ✔ Materials and content for custom notebooks done. ✔ Curriculum done w dry run.. ✔ Big bouncy pink ball. ✔ Hula hoops . ✔ Lunch menu and snacks. . ✔ Gift bags Sooooo excited about this. We are growing and LOVE what is being revealed. Here are the labels for the notebooks. Thoughts? . . Want to join us. Registration closes tomorrow. Click here for details. http://laurahealingwithspirit.com/event/let-go-surrender-self-care-nurture-soul-retreat/ Now just gotta go food shopping and put all the materials together
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit