March 6, 2018
LOTS of BIG stuff happening in MA & RI from as well as the launch of my spiritual mugs & t-shirt line. ..💜 Sun March 11th: SPRING HEALTH AND WELLNESS FAIR; Free Demonstration At 4:15pm; The Purple Cat Winery in RI. ..🇨🇮🎂 Fri, March 16th 6:30-9:30pm; join me for some played by my Arnie & his group & share my w me at Players in, Ma ..💙 Mon March 19th; REIKI VIBRATIONAL HEALING w/ in. ..💙 Mon March 19th; OPEN.. 💓 Sat March 31st 1-4pm; LEARN HOW TO BLESS YOUR JUNK AND TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK NOW. ..💜 Sun April 8th; HEALTHY LIVING EXPO AND CONFERENCE. Featured Presenter Through the System of Reiki at Hotel 1620 Ma ..💕 Sun May 20th; SURRENDER TO, JOURNEY INTO SELF DISCOVERY, & NURTURE YOUR SOUL – RETREAT w Laura & Deneen; Plymouth, Ma
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit