March 8, 2018
I love trees. They have so much to say if we quiet the mind and listen to their wisdom. ..There is such beauty in the storm. We just have to shift our perspective a bit and open our eyes to see. .Today’s tree message: ..”I reach to the sky with my extended branches. Catching each snowflake andLetting it melt into my bark. ..My roots are nourished asI drink up and quench my thirst.I extend my reach undergroundTo brace myself in these winds.My trunk holds me steady As I ride out this stormBalancing my branches aboveAnd my roots below. ..I provide you nourishment tooAnd provide you with the air you breathe.Why have you forsaken me?Do not see my intrinsic value? ..We are connectedYou and IDon’t you see?Don’t you see?Respect meLove meNourish meAnd I will provide for you
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit