April 15, 2018
Good morning … Happy Sunday … Loving this awesome natural quartz filled with lots of little crystals I stumbled upon. Talk about cleansing for my soul. Ahhhhhhh . . Mercury stationed direct early this morning. It’s a new moon. Today I will be continuing to let go of “junk” while making room for creating the new in my life. . . Looking forward to today’s Reiki Vibrational Healing Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls at 2pm and the Open Reiki Share at 3:15pm in Hingham. . . Hope you will join us 💜 walk-in welcome. Right now taking a moment to reflect on the events that changed Boston forever 5yrs ago. Take a moment today. Stop. Pause before reacting. Shift. Take a deep cleansing breath and honor the greatness the resides within. @healingtraumathroughspirit
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