March 16, 2018
Feeling depleted? Overwhelmed? Stressed? ..It is time to press pause. Let go of your obligations and responsibilities just for one day to replenish and tickle your soul. ..You ready to take some “you time”? Join Laura and Deneen for a full day surrendering into self-care, journeying into self-discovery, nurturing your soul, and community. Spend the day with us pampering the soul and lifting your spirit. This is about YOU.This retreat is designed to help you create a deeper awareness and connection to the inner wisdom in a very nurturing environment.Get back to you … Your authentic you.We have limited spots available for this amazing day. ..☆☆ Register by March 25th and recieve a FREE gift (Value $20) ☆☆ ..Visit http://laurahealingwithspirit.com/event/let-go-surrender-self-care-nurture-soul-retreat/ for registration and details
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Photo taken at: SPIRIT VENUE For All Things Spiritual