Energy Shift Storms Update Week of November 19, 2019
How are doing with the SH*T show?
Many of us have been hit hard over the last 2 weeks. I am NOT immune to these effects either.
Do you feel like “when can I get off the extreme roller coaster yet”?
Here I will share with you my personal experiences, what is happening energetically and astrologically, what we may be experiencing, the positives and moving forward into 2020.

Personally …
I have personally bared the brunt of
- verbal assaults,
- road rage – people driving very angry and hostile
- anger outbursts,
- repeated illness,
- vivid dreams and nightmares – one was probably a premonition in regards to a termination of a toxic relationship with a now former business associate
- Weird in-explainable physical releases,
- fired my first client.
- and more

I have also been very active in
- testing out a new teaching location
- saying yes to doing events at another new location
- working towards building a solid community (can’t share details yet),
- testifying at the state house to protect access to spiritually based care especially for those in vulnerable communities,
- registered for a one years certification class at a local college,
- getting my first book set to be published in 2020 in review status
- and began stepping forward into my place in this world despite these horrendous things that happened that appeared to jump out of the blue.

Soooo, there is a LOT shifting cosmically, spiritually, and astrologically as listed in the graphic …
I hate to burst your bubble …
This is NOT all mercury retrograde’s fault. There are MANY factors at play here.
It’s wakey wakey time. No more being asleep. We can no longer run away or seek out the easier route, because the easier route is to move into the path your soul came here to do and be.
Spiritually bypassing your way through this will not help anymore for any one of us.
I am NOT saying this is easy – far from it. As I stated above, I have had my own share of disruptions into my life too forcing me to do better.
As I am writing this, I have a pounding headache and a tickle like cough I have not had in years. However, that does not give me permission to use my headache or cough as an excuse to NOT do my inner work.
The days of colonizing sacred teachings without proper cultural appropriations for power, stroke of ego, greed, will NO longer be acceptable moving forward.
DO the work. That includes myself – I am not omitted from doing this same work too.

We can not run from our duties as stewards to our Great Mother anymore.
Clean water is currently under threat. Deforestation is a problem. And like in Massachusetts, freedoms to access to spiritually based healing and practices is currently threatened.
And NO …. what is happening will not shift that fast. This isn’t a pill or a text message where results are expected to be instant.
Life is a journey & lesson for evolution of soul to BE EXPLORED.
THIS … THIS is multi-layered, multi-faceted. Some of this is individual & some of this is collective.
It’s a SH*T SHOW.
It is about us getting real. Getting raw. Getting deep.
By the way …
Just because you have been hurt or traumatized does NOT give you the green light to hurt, abuse or commit acts of violence against others as an excuse.
I look forward to the day we see a soul … a light … a breathing miraculous being…
… not a color, economic status, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, position in society etc.
My question to you is this … are you going to lie there and bleed to death or are you going to pick yourself up by your bootstraps?

Mercury does begin to station direct tomorrow, BUT this is NOT over yet.
I put these graphics together for you in hopes it helps you navigate through the energies for the rest of 2019 & into 2020.
We have an opportunity here if we choose to rise above and do our duties as stewards on this live giving planet.
I am here to support you.
I encourage all of to engage in healthy discussion about all things we are still silenced about. Pay attention to our triggers and reactions and make sure we are listening to the other view that most likely will be different than our own. This also means to communicate in a way that will be received.
I am bringing this up AGAIN because, the lashing out, anger outbursts, vendettas, etc are poison to our soul that I have not seen to this degree in over 10 years.
Thank you for reading. I hope you find this helpful.
With appreciation,
Available for private sessions, speaking opportunities, workshop facilitations, events, groups, private parties.
My life has been completely broken in all areas, about 2 months now, I was publicly humiliated but I knew it wasn’t me..it was the person..I accidentally crushed my hand, cast..I came down with pneumonia and had to receive iv antibiotics. I was accused of things I didn’t do, where others were believing in..lots of depressing/negatively around me, feeling the struggle to stay positive and listen to my own inner voice, which is a peaceful soul. I will get through this time because of my ability to focus on myself and what I know is true, and its making me… Read more »