December 31, 2017
As we begin to transition from 2017 to 2018, I can not help but think about how grateful I am. 2017 proved to be quite a challenging year for so many to put it mildly. I am not immune. Every time I was met with adversity, I was equally welcomed with a blessing. I also learned we see what we choose to see and focus on. 2017 was quite the year for change to say the least. We experienced huge enormous personal storms. However, It set the stage of a solid foundation for great things to manifest and come. Hence, welcome 2018. Faith was certainly pushed to it’s limits this year. Those close to me know how far my faith was tested. However, at the end of the day all we have is faith. With faith, all things are possible. The theme of never rang truer than it did this year. Did you feel it? There were things I witnessed that I never thought I would see in my lifetime. WOW. Thank you to the community for finally rising and standing up. Those who normalize abuse are feeling the karmic backlash… finally I can breathe. Because of You, today I am able to bless my junk I am personally looking forward to reaping the rewards of a 20yr journey of trials and tribulations for the first time next year. For the first time, I feel miracles about to happen on so many fronts. This movement has restored much in me that I thought was lost forever. I see the personal storms clearing and the sun returning. This is the perfect time to plant those heirloom seeds you been wanting to plant. I am grateful for my loving and supportive friends and family who have lift me up when I was weak and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. You are truly earth angels, and honestly would not be entering 2018 … The year for miracles to happen … If it were not for you. Let’s close this chapter with authenticity, truth, and love, and turn the page of 2018 with a blank slate and begin to write. Together … Let’s make 2018 an incredible year of miracles and dreams that come true. Happy New Year. Be safe. Thank you for being a part of my journey With love and appreciation, Laura
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Photo taken at: Healing With Spirit