Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer
November 9, 2015

Adventures in Reiki with Surgery

Have you ever employed reiki for surgery?

I don’t normally share my personal stuff publicly, but feel this might help another somewhere somehow and felt compelled to share my surgical story and the power of reiki healing.

For years I suffered from various issues that ultimately led to surgery recently involving my ovaries. Leading up to the surgery itself, I had been experiencing an increasing amount of anxiety and insomnia. I was stumped as to what was possibly causing such a surge of emotions, because I do practice what I preach with lots of rest, ‎healthy eating, exercise, meditation, and self reiki‬. So I was a little surprised as to why the sudden increase.

I feel the source could be part karmic‬ and part life changing. I really don’t want children at this stage in my life, but at same time, I mourn the loss of my own. Without going into details, I suffered years of abuse much of my life. Although, I have spent the last 10 years  working on healing the roots from all the traumas associated with abuse.

So I decided to just sit and embrace whatever emotions‬ surfaced at that time. This is important to pause and ‎nurture‬ the child within while staying present at all times. If this was so called past stuff emerging, I embraced what is. I accepted and through mindfulness based techniques, reiki, and other energy work, I lovingly assisted these issues to past through me.

I also chose two mantras to repeat:

The first one: “I accept‬ what is. I  surrender‬ to what was, and I have faith‬ in what will be. … and so it is.”

The second one is the Gokkai in Japanese or the Reiki Precepts in Japanese: “Kyo dake wa (Just for today).

Ikaru na (Do not anger).

Shinpei suna (Do not worry).

Kansha shite (Be grateful).

Gyo o hageme (Work diligently/dutifully).

Hito ni shinsetsu ni (Be kind to others).”

The surgery experience

I went to the hospital and experienced a phenomenal staff with some profound spiritual experiences which is a story for another time. I will say my surgery was more than a medical procedure for the physical body. That part went superbly well and experienced no pain afterwards. This was part of a larger spiritual journey and healing karmic cords not just in my life, but the lives of those nurses brought into my life to care for me pre-op and post-op.

I recently had my post-op follow-up with my surgeon. Since my surgery, I’ve been doing lots of reflecting and realization.

  1. The more I partner with my soul, unite with soul, live soulful, the more I reclaim my power. I no longer accept the demands or perceptions of what society wants to dictate to me. Instead I trust my soul, and lively more authentically.
  2. The Power of energy healing such as reiki‬ is way under estimated. It is because of the self reiki prep I did pre-op and all the distance healing sent from all of you, I experienced no pain after the day of surgery. I had some discomfort, but nothing worth taking even a motrin for that reiki couldn’t do.
  3. The only complications I had were due to being told by the surgical prep team, I was not going to be fully incubated due to history of brain bleeds only to wake up to realize I was completely out for over 2 hours. I experienced some unanticipated brochiospasms, difficulty in speech and breathing, and faintness. If I knew I was going to be fully put under anesthesia, I would have prepared there too. This only goes to the power of reiki again, because of what i did experience when reiki was used.
  4. My surgeon, although an Osteopath, was a little shocked I took “no” pain meds after surgery. I told her I had a wonderful team of healers and reiki practitioners behind me so it was not necessary. I thought to myself, if modern medicine and our society as a whole would embrace again the ideology and belief that our bodies were designed to heal themselves and used treatment options to embrace this, the drug use in America may look different.

I wanted to share my story, because I wanted everyone to be reminded that our bodies are designed to heal themselves. The power to heal lies within us all.

Not only doing reiki, but living reiki and being reiki is even more important. I thank you for being a part of my spiritual‬ journey‬.

Have a great reiki filled fall day.

With light, love, and appreciation,

Healing With Spirit 

To schedule a private session, to book a corporate wellness event, or speaking engagement, please private message me


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 © 2015-2018 Laura Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This information is for general educational uses only. It may not apply to you and your specific medical needs. This information should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation with or the advice of your physician or health care professional. Communicate promptly with your physician or other health care professional with any health-related questions or concerns. This article does not share the opinions of Healing With Spirit or its affiliates.  Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.
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7 years ago

Thank you for sharing your healing story. This will help others to understand the power of our own body's capability to heal.

7 years ago

You are correct, the power of spiritual energy healing is way underrated and not used often enough.

7 years ago

Laura I so resonate with your healing journey and recognizing that there was so much more than the physical that you were healing. Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring story and for your trust and faith in self reiki and your fellow reiki practioners who supported you throughout your journey. Sending you so much peace, love and compassion!

7 years ago

I found that my spiritual practices, meditation and yoga helped me greatly when I had surgery to repair a fractured hip 3 1/2 years ago. The surgical staff and my physical therapist were amazed at how well and fast I recovered. I am a firm believer that your inner work plays out in your outer well being.

7 years ago

So beautiful and inspiring!! Thank you for sharing…❤

7 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story with us Laura.

7 years ago

I loved your story Laura, thanks for sharing and helping someone with it.


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