Some New Moon Intentions and Affirmations To Guide You
Are you ready to manifest? Create something magnificent?
The new moon is a perfect time to hit that reset button and open yourself up to new beginnings.
Here are some tips to guide you:
New Moon Affirmations:
- I AM divinely filled and supported.
- I shine my light and confidently in the night shattering all darkness that arises.
- I AM manifesting all the good that aligns with my soul purpose.
- I invite abundance and prosperity into my life.
- My soul steps forward guiding me through this journey.
- And so it is …
New Moon Intentions:
The New Moon is the perfect time to manifest new things into your life. This is also a perfect time to write yourself a New Moon Prosperity Check, which serve as a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives.
New Moon Prosperity Check Instructions:
There are many ways to write your New Moon Prosperity Check. You can use a check from your check book, or use the check below.
Key: Write your Prosperity Check within 24 hours after each New Moon.
From your checkbook:
- Feel throughtout your whole body and in your heart with the intention for something of great prosperity and abundance to happen.
- In the ‘Date’ area, write ‘Now’.
- In ‘Pay to the Order of’, write your name.
- In the dollar amount, write ‘Paid in Full’. You may also write a specific dollar amount that you have in mind if you choose instead that you feel is attainable in 30 days.
- Sign the Check ‘The Universe’. You can also sign it ‘God’, ‘Your Angel’, ‘The Law of Abundance’, or whatever you are comfortable with.
- In the ‘Memo’ area, write ‘Thank You’
Place the check in a safe place with intention to bring more prosperity and financial balance into your life. Then, forget about it as you just turned over your intention to the Universe. Don’t worry or think about the ‘how’. The Universe will take it from there.
It is important to reflect as much positive energy as possible. Please be mindful that if you are currently in a dire distressed state, this process will work, but more time will be needed. So it is important to visualize the end result. Visualize how you will feel … Feel the sensations of happiness and gratitude flow through your veins when you receive such a generous amount of money. Believe it to be possible.
Remember that abundance is so much more than money, and comes in many forms. Here are some examples:
- Perhaps a coworker invites you out to lunch and unexpectedly pays.
- Perhaps something came to you “out of the blue”.
- Perhaps you are talking with a friend and he/she offers you some valuable pearls of wisdom regarding some area of your life.
- Perhaps a neighbor stops by to offer assistance with some home maintenance or project that you’ve been struggling with.
- Perhaps something you have been wanting is suddenly gifted to you.
Above all, be GRATEFUL for ALL that comes into your life. Just try it, and see what abundance awaits you.
You can burn the check from the previous month as you thank The Universe for all the miracles, prosperity, and abundance you received. The best time to burn your prosperity checks in on one of the upcoming full moons. Make sure you always express your gratitude for receiving prosperity and abundance in your life while the check is burning.
Remember, everything is energy and energy is abundant and unlimited! So enjoy it, be thankful, and stay positive!
Have a blessed day.
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I love the affirmations, thanks so much Laura! As much as I love all things energy-related, it’s been a touch-and-go process for me to do anything related to the moon cycles. I’m still a bit skeptical.
Being that it is the New Moon though, I’m willing to try something new. I will follow the suggestions in this blog post. Thanks again!
During the day of the new moon I spent some quiet time speaking out loud to the Universe. I felt it was important to get my thoughts out, speak of my dreams, wishes, intentions, goals, ideas, things I would like to manifest. It really helped. I do this from time to time and sometimes I write it down. On this day is felt even more important to do so, and I took extra time. We are in the Eclipse season and things are changing. I know that I felt better that evening and the next day and some ideas came… Read more »