Spiritual Medium, Speaker, Healer

Meditation Classes

How Can Meditation Help Me?

Meditation has been scientifically studied throughout the years to aid in the healing process associated with stress, mental & physical health. With the hectic pace and demands of today’s society, many of us feel stressed and over-worked.

The stress and tiredness has a significant impact on our bodies and minds, and we feel unhappy, impatient and frustrated. This often transitions over into our health.

“Who has the time?” By meditating you actually gain more time by calming your mind, and staying focused.

A simple ten or fifteen minute breathing meditation can help you to overcome your stress and find some inner peace and balance.

Meditation can also help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations.


For class and event schedules, click here.

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